Part I - Investigating the Relationships between Variables in the Prosper Loan Data¶
by Zadock Mainda¶
This dataset describes 81 variables for 113,937 loans taken at a credit facility between Nov 2005 and Mar 2014. Since it will be impossible to investigate each of these 81 variables in this project, we are going to curate a short list of variables to investigate how various borrowers attributesinteract with each other. A detailed definition of these variables can be found here
Preliminary Wrangling¶
# import all packages and set plots to be embedded inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sb
import datetime
%matplotlib inline
#Read dataset into a df using pandas
LoanData = pd.read_csv('prosperLoanData.csv')
Structure of the dataset¶
Let's retrieve a sample of 5 rows so that we can have a broad overview of the dataframe
ListingKey | ListingNumber | ListingCreationDate | CreditGrade | Term | LoanStatus | ClosedDate | BorrowerAPR | BorrowerRate | LenderYield | ... | LP_ServiceFees | LP_CollectionFees | LP_GrossPrincipalLoss | LP_NetPrincipalLoss | LP_NonPrincipalRecoverypayments | PercentFunded | Recommendations | InvestmentFromFriendsCount | InvestmentFromFriendsAmount | Investors | |
36509 | 03EA35335700554889361B0 | 545929 | 2011-12-21 05:04:36.947000000 | NaN | 36 | Current | NaN | 0.24983 | 0.2121 | 0.2021 | ... | -46.24 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 | 13 |
93456 | B12334290235396512FA71F | 378299 | 2008-08-05 13:52:00.063000000 | A | 36 | Completed | 2011-08-18 00:00:00 | 0.19351 | 0.1789 | 0.1689 | ... | -168.72 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 | 181 |
54863 | C4593390828796080B2AA44 | 142980 | 2007-05-25 17:07:18.390000000 | C | 36 | Completed | 2010-06-16 00:00:00 | 0.17722 | 0.1700 | 0.1600 | ... | -58.77 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 | 119 |
27532 | 3514358847991633987973E | 892327 | 2013-09-09 14:06:18.307000000 | NaN | 36 | Current | NaN | 0.12691 | 0.0990 | 0.0890 | ... | -7.97 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 | 1 |
88598 | AC913581222763893AF2627 | 800596 | 2013-06-06 18:13:43.877000000 | NaN | 36 | Current | NaN | 0.27285 | 0.2346 | 0.2246 | ... | -24.95 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 | 1 |
5 rows × 81 columns
# dataframe dimensions
(113937, 81)
According to the shape attribute, this dataframe is made up of 113,937 rows and 81 columns.
The main features of interest in this dataset are listed below:¶
We are going to use the subset of columns below to investigate how various borrowers' attributes interact with each other.
selectedCols = [
'ListingKey', 'ListingCreationDate','CreditGrade',
'LoanStatus', 'BorrowerRate', 'ProsperScore',
'EmploymentStatus', 'EmploymentStatusDuration',
'PublicRecordsLast10Years', 'DebtToIncomeRatio', 'IncomeRange',
'LoanOriginalAmount', 'MonthlyLoanPayment'
Create a new dataframe that comprises only of the columns indicated above:
loan_new = LoanData[selectedCols]
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 113937 entries, 0 to 113936 Data columns (total 14 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 ListingKey 113937 non-null object 1 ListingCreationDate 113937 non-null object 2 CreditGrade 28953 non-null object 3 LoanStatus 113937 non-null object 4 BorrowerRate 113937 non-null float64 5 ProsperScore 84853 non-null float64 6 EmploymentStatus 111682 non-null object 7 EmploymentStatusDuration 106312 non-null float64 8 IsBorrowerHomeowner 113937 non-null bool 9 PublicRecordsLast10Years 113240 non-null float64 10 DebtToIncomeRatio 105383 non-null float64 11 IncomeRange 113937 non-null object 12 LoanOriginalAmount 113937 non-null int64 13 MonthlyLoanPayment 113937 non-null float64 dtypes: bool(1), float64(6), int64(1), object(6) memory usage: 11.4+ MB
# Retrieve summary stats and check for outliers
BorrowerRate | ProsperScore | EmploymentStatusDuration | PublicRecordsLast10Years | DebtToIncomeRatio | LoanOriginalAmount | MonthlyLoanPayment | |
count | 113937.000000 | 84853.000000 | 106312.000000 | 113240.000000 | 105383.000000 | 113937.00000 | 113937.000000 |
mean | 0.192764 | 5.950067 | 96.071582 | 0.312646 | 0.275947 | 8337.01385 | 272.475783 |
std | 0.074818 | 2.376501 | 94.480605 | 0.727868 | 0.551759 | 6245.80058 | 192.697812 |
min | 0.000000 | 1.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 1000.00000 | 0.000000 |
25% | 0.134000 | 4.000000 | 26.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.140000 | 4000.00000 | 131.620000 |
50% | 0.184000 | 6.000000 | 67.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.220000 | 6500.00000 | 217.740000 |
75% | 0.250000 | 8.000000 | 137.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.320000 | 12000.00000 | 371.580000 |
max | 0.497500 | 11.000000 | 755.000000 | 38.000000 | 10.010000 | 35000.00000 | 2251.510000 |
Check for duplicated rows in the dataframe
#Check for duplicates
There are no duplicates in the LoanData datframe
Create a custom function that returns unique items in a column. This will assist with reducing repetitive code while at the same time giving us a glimpse of how the specified columns are populated.
# dataframe name (loan_new) is hardcoded in the function:
# Takes column name as param
# returns unique in indicated column
def entries(columnName):
#param: name of column
global loan_new
df = loan_new
return df[columnName].unique()
#List unique entries in the LoanStatus column
array(['Completed', 'Current', 'Past Due (1-15 days)', 'Defaulted', 'Chargedoff', 'Past Due (16-30 days)', 'Cancelled', 'Past Due (61-90 days)', 'Past Due (31-60 days)', 'Past Due (91-120 days)', 'FinalPaymentInProgress', 'Past Due (>120 days)'], dtype=object)
#List unique entries in the EmploymentStatus column
array(['Self-employed', 'Employed', 'Not available', 'Full-time', 'Other', nan, 'Not employed', 'Part-time', 'Retired'], dtype=object)
#List unique entries in the IsBorrowerHomeowner column
array([ True, False])
#List unique entries in the IncomeRange column
array(['$25,000-49,999', '$50,000-74,999', 'Not displayed', '$100,000+', '$75,000-99,999', '$1-24,999', 'Not employed', '$0'], dtype=object)
#List unique entries in the IncomeRange column
array(['C', nan, 'HR', 'AA', 'D', 'B', 'E', 'A', 'NC'], dtype=object)
Make copies of the original data¶
loan_clean = loan_new.copy()
Issue #1: ListingCreationDate is a string instead of datetime object¶
- Change the datatype of ListingCreationDate from string to Datetime
#Change datatype to Datetime from string
loan_clean['ListingCreationDate']= pd.to_datetime(loan_clean['ListingCreationDate'])
#Confirm that ListingCreationDate is of datetime datatype
assert loan_clean['ListingCreationDate'].dtype == 'datetime64[ns]'
Issue #2: Duplicate descriptor in the Employment status ('Employed' & 'Full-time' )¶
- Rename Full-time status to Employed
loan_clean.loc[(loan_clean.EmploymentStatus == 'Full-time' ), 'EmploymentStatus'] = 'Employed'
#Confirm that Full-time is not in the EmploymentStatus column
assert 'Full-time' not in loan_clean.EmploymentStatus.unique()
Issue #3: IncomeRange is a string¶
next step is retrieving a list of unique objects from the column
array(['$25,000-49,999', '$50,000-74,999', 'Not displayed', '$100,000+', '$75,000-99,999', '$1-24,999', 'Not employed', '$0'], dtype=object)
Since we are going to use these ranges to categorize some of our operations, we are going to assume that
each occurence of Not displayed
and Not employed
in the column implies that the
loan applicant did not have a source of income therefore will be categorized under '$0'
# loc: select rows based on multiple conditions
# select rows with 'Not Employed' or 'Not displayed'
# change values to '$0'
loan_clean.loc[(loan_clean.IncomeRange == 'Not employed') | (loan_clean.IncomeRange == 'Not displayed'), 'IncomeRange'] = '$0'
# list unique items in the IncomeRange column
array(['$25,000-49,999', '$50,000-74,999', '$0', '$100,000+', '$75,000-99,999', '$1-24,999'], dtype=object)
We will order the income ranges from smallest to largest
# income ranges in a list
ordered_ranges = [
Next wee will change the column's datatype
#categorical method takes in a list-like of values and sorted categories list
loan_clean['IncomeRange'] = pd.Categorical(loan_clean['IncomeRange'], ordered_ranges, ordered=True)
confirm if indeed unique from the IncomeRange column are sorted per our ordered_ranges list
# Select unique items from IncomeRange column and sort them
['$0', '$1-24,999', '$25,000-49,999', '$50,000-74,999', '$75,000-99,999', '$100,000+'] Categories (6, object): ['$0' < '$1-24,999' < '$25,000-49,999' < '$50,000-74,999' < '$75,000-99,999' < '$100,000+']
As we can see from the above, income ranges are sorted
CategoricalDtype(categories=['$0', '$1-24,999', '$25,000-49,999', '$50,000-74,999', '$75,000-99,999', '$100,000+'], , ordered=True)
#confirm that datatype is category
assert loan_clean['IncomeRange'].dtype == 'category'
Issue #4: CreditGrade is a String object¶
#Unique entries in the CreditGrade column
array(['C', nan, 'HR', 'AA', 'D', 'B', 'E', 'A', 'NC'], dtype=object)
We will sort the credit ratings manually from the highest to the lowest credit rating.
# temp list to hold ordered items
sorted_credits = ['AA', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'HR', 'NC']
# change datatype to category
loan_clean['CreditGrade'] = pd.Categorical(loan_clean['CreditGrade'], sorted_credits, ordered=True)
#Confirm the sorting order of entries in the CreditGrade column
['AA', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'HR', 'NC', NaN] Categories (8, object): ['AA' < 'A' < 'B' < 'C' < 'D' < 'E' < 'HR' < 'NC']
#assert data type is category
assert loan_clean['CreditGrade'].dtype == 'category'
Save clean dataset to CSV¶
# write clean dataframe to CSV file
loan_clean.to_csv('loan_clean.csv', index=False)
Univariate Exploration¶
Print info about the dataframe's column names and datatypes so that we can begin examining the dataframe.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 113937 entries, 0 to 113936 Data columns (total 14 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 ListingKey 113937 non-null object 1 ListingCreationDate 113937 non-null datetime64[ns] 2 CreditGrade 28953 non-null category 3 LoanStatus 113937 non-null object 4 BorrowerRate 113937 non-null float64 5 ProsperScore 84853 non-null float64 6 EmploymentStatus 111682 non-null object 7 EmploymentStatusDuration 106312 non-null float64 8 IsBorrowerHomeowner 113937 non-null bool 9 PublicRecordsLast10Years 113240 non-null float64 10 DebtToIncomeRatio 105383 non-null float64 11 IncomeRange 113937 non-null category 12 LoanOriginalAmount 113937 non-null int64 13 MonthlyLoanPayment 113937 non-null float64 dtypes: bool(1), category(2), datetime64[ns](1), float64(6), int64(1), object(3) memory usage: 9.9+ MB
The loan_clean comprises of 113,937 rows and 18 columns. Since plotting 113,937 rows is going to result in overplotting in some of our visualizations, we are going to pick a random sample of 1,000 rows from the loan_clean dataframe to use in our plots. This will definitely come in handy in visualizations such as scatter plots that plot individual data points to the chart.
#select a random sample of 1,000 rows
loan_sampled = loan_clean.sample(1000)
Question #1: How are credit ratings distributed through the dataset?¶
#Function to assist with plotting loan_clean barcharts
def draw_bar(colname):
output_bar = sb.countplot(y=loan_clean[colname], color=sb.color_palette()[4])
for bar in output_bar.containers:
return output_bar
# plot bar chart
plt.figure(figsize = (13,6))
plt.xlabel('Number of Loans')
plt.ylabel('Credit Rating')
plt.title('Count of loans Per credit Grading');
Most of the borrowers in this dataset have a C credit rating. The next credit rating with the most borrowers is D with a total of 5,153 people. From the visualization we can also see that the least amount of loans went to borrowers with a NC (No Credit) rating. Only 141 people with No Credit were given loans.
Question #2: What was the most common Employment Status of loan borrowers?¶
#plot bar chart
plt.figure(figsize = (13,6))
plt.xlabel('Number of Loans')
plt.ylabel('Employment Status')
plt.title('Employment Status of Loanees');
The most common employment status listed by loan borrowers was "Employed" at 93677. The least common employment status listed was "Retired" with a meagre 795 loans.
Question #3: What is the distribution of interest rates in the datset?¶
#Summary stats
count 113937.000000 mean 0.192764 std 0.074818 min 0.000000 25% 0.134000 50% 0.184000 75% 0.250000 max 0.497500 Name: BorrowerRate, dtype: float64
#Create bins
bin = np.arange(0, loan_clean['BorrowerRate'].max()+0.01, 0.02)
#plot histogram
color=sb.color_palette()[4], aspect=2.2
).set(title='Distribution of Borrower Rates');
Our histogram is almost bell-shaped with a single peak. Majority of the BorrowerRates
between 0.13 and 0.15 in this unimodal distribution. The number of loans assigned rates higher than 0.15
decreases as you move to the right. However this decrease is not constant because there is a slight flare up
once we hit the 0.3 BorrowRate mark.
Question #4: In which income range do the least number of loans lie in?¶
# Plot bar chart
plt.figure(figsize = (13,6))
plt.xlabel(' of Loans')
plt.ylabel('Income Range')
plt.title('No of Loans Per Income Range ');
The bar chart visualizing the count of loans in each income range does not potray any discernable pattern. As we can see the count of loans in the "\$0" brackets stood at 9168, but drops to 7274 when we move to the next income range of "\$1 - \$24,999". The next income range of "\$25,000-\$49,999" has the highest number of borrowers with a figure of 32,192. `"\$1-\$24,999"` has the lowest number of borrowers at 7,274. </P>
Question #5: What is the distribution of the DebtToIncomeRatio in the dataset?¶
#investigate summary stats of the DebtToIncomeRation column
count 105383.000000 mean 0.275947 std 0.551759 min 0.000000 25% 0.140000 50% 0.220000 75% 0.320000 max 10.010000 Name: DebtToIncomeRatio, dtype: float64
Since the mean of this column is 0.275 , this indicates that most values lie between 0 and 1, which will serve as the limits of our X axis.
plt.figure(figsize = (12,7))
#Create bins
bins = np.arange(0, loan_clean.DebtToIncomeRatio.max()+0.01, 0.01)
#plot hist
plt.hist(data = loan_clean, x= 'DebtToIncomeRatio', bins=bins, color=sb.color_palette()[4])
plt.ylabel('Count of values')
plt.xlim(xmin=0, xmax=1);
The histogram visualizing the distribution of DebtToIncome ratios is skewed to the right.It rises steadily from the left before peaking at approximately 0.18 mark before reducing gradually as you move to the right. This means that most of the income ratios were clustered around the 0.18 mark. We plotted the values between 0 and 1 only because including the extreme unusual points would have distorted the graph and mispresented the findings as shown below:
Notice how the inclusion of the extreme outlier value greater than 8 distort the visualization
plt.figure(figsize = (12,7))
#plot hist
plt.hist(data = loan_clean, x= 'DebtToIncomeRatio', color=sb.color_palette()[4])
plt.ylabel('Count of values')
Question #6. Loan Listing Creation trends across the year¶
We'll create a new column and populate it with month names, then convert it into a categorial data type so that we can be able to sort based on month name.
#Create a month column
loan_clean['month'] = pd.to_datetime(loan_clean['ListingCreationDate']).dt.strftime('%b')
#month names
months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun','Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
#change datatype to categorical
loan_clean['month'] = pd.Categorical(loan_clean['month'], categories=months, ordered=True)
Let's confirm if the conversion was successful
['Aug', 'Feb', 'Jan', 'Oct', 'Sep', ..., 'May', 'Jul', 'Nov', 'Jun', 'Mar'] Length: 12 Categories (12, object): ['Jan' < 'Feb' < 'Mar' < 'Apr' ... 'Sep' < 'Oct' < 'Nov' < 'Dec']
month Jan 11214 Feb 10124 Mar 8032 Apr 7661 May 8641 Jun 8672 Jul 9506 Aug 9202 Sep 10074 Oct 10539 Nov 9952 Dec 10320 Name: ListingKey, dtype: int64
Plot a bar chart to visualize the findings
#Slight modification to function to plot against x axis
def vertical_bar(colname):
output_bar = sb.countplot(x=loan_clean[colname], color=sb.color_palette()[4])
for bar in output_bar.containers:
return output_bar
plt.figure(figsize = (12,8))
plt.ylabel('Count of Loans')
plt.title('Count of ListingCreationdate per month')
This chart shows the months loans were created through the year. While most loans were listed in Jan, the least number of loans were listed in April.As we can see from the chart, the number of loans peaked in Jan and reduced over the next 3 months to their lowest count in April. We then have a clear upwards trend for the second quarter upto July before the number of dips slightly before picking another upwards trend.
Discuss the distribution(s) of your variable(s) of interest. Were there any unusual points? Did you need to perform any transformations?¶
The DebtToIncomeRatio column had 300 rows with values more than 8. This represented approximately 0.27% of the count of values present in the column. Including these outliers in the cluster plot distorted cluster visualizations by lumping most of the values in a single significantly tall bar between 0 and 1 before spreading out the rest of the value over barely visible bars between 2 and 10 xticks.
Of the features you investigated, were there any unusual distributions? Did you perform any operations on the data to tidy, adjust, or change the form of the data? If so, why did you do this?¶
Apart from the extreme outliers in the DebtToIncomeRatio column that were excluded from plots, there weren't any major unusual distributions in the dataset that needed adjustment. All the cleaning and tidying operations were handled in the cleaning stage where both the CreditGrade and IcomeRange were converted to an ordered categorical datatype.
Bivariate Exploration¶
Question #7: How do home ownership rates vary across employment categories?¶
#plot a clustered barchart
plt.figure(figsize = (14,6))
clustered = sb.countplot(data = loan_clean, x='EmploymentStatus', hue='IsBorrowerHomeowner', palette='BuPu_r')
plt.title('Home Ownership amongst various Employment Statuses')
for bar in clustered.containers:
Home Ownership rates between the Employed Categories and all other categories vary greatly. Home ownership is highest amongst the Employed and lowest among the Retired category.
Question #8: What is relationship between ProsperScore and Income range categories?¶
#box plot
sb.boxplot(data=loan_clean, x='IncomeRange', y='ProsperScore',color=sb.color_palette()[4] )
plt.xlabel('Income Ranges')
plt.title('Income Range Box Plot')
The boxplot visualizes how data is dispersed within each income range category. The highest 3 categories have slightly higher dispersions than the 3 lowest ranked income categories. Incidentally, the three lowest ranked categories appear to share the same minimum, 1st quartile, median and 3rd quartile figures. The 4th and 5th income categories share the same Prosperscore descriptive statistics.
Question #9: What is relationship between ProsperScore and Income range categories?¶
sb.violinplot(data=loan_clean, x='IncomeRange', y='ProsperScore', color=sb.color_palette()[4])
plt.xlabel('Income Ranges')
plt.title('Income Range Box Plot')
Just like the box plot that was visualized in the previous question, these violin plots show that the 1st three lowest income levels share the same summary statistics. The minimum prosperscore value is 1, the first quartile is 4, the median is 5 and the third quartile is 7. How the density plot that shows the distribution shape of the values is slightly different for the lowest income level where it shows that most of the prosperscore values were likely between 3 and 6.
Question #10: What is the correlation between DebtToIncomeRatio and BorrowerRate variables?¶
We are going to use the sampled of 1000 to answer this question to avoid overplotting
#Limit the Y axis plot
sb.regplot(data=loan_sampled, x='BorrowerRate', y='DebtToIncomeRatio',
x_jitter=0.09, color=sb.color_palette()[4]
We will have to re-plot the graph because when we look at the Y axis, we can see that the DebtToIncomeRatio has extreme outliers that are distorting the visualization. We can confirm this by executing the .describe method on the column.
#investigate summary stats of the DebtToIncomeRation column
count 105383.000000 mean 0.275947 std 0.551759 min 0.000000 25% 0.140000 50% 0.220000 75% 0.320000 max 10.010000 Name: DebtToIncomeRatio, dtype: float64
We can deduce from the summary statistics that most of our 'DebtToIncomeRatio'data points lie between 0 and 1. Therefore we should filter our loan_sampled dataframe to pick only rows where DebToIncomeRatio is less than 1
# Limit the Y axis plot to between 0 and 1 where most of the data points lie
plt.title('DebtToIncomeRatio vs. BorrowerRate')
sb.regplot(data=loan_sampled[loan_sampled.DebtToIncomeRatio <= 1],
x='BorrowerRate', y='DebtToIncomeRatio',
x_jitter=0.07, color=sb.color_palette()[4]
The scatterplot displays a weak but positive relationship between the DebtToIncomeRatio and BorrowerRate variables. As the BorrowerRate increases, DebtToIncomeRatio tends to increase also.
Question #12: Is there a correlation between LoanOriginalAmount and BorrowerRate?¶
#plot a scatter plot
#From loan_clean dataset
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.title(' LoanOriginalAmount and BorrowerRate')
sb.regplot(data=loan_clean, x='LoanOriginalAmount', y='BorrowerRate',x_jitter=0.004, color=sb.color_palette()[4]);
#From sampled smaller dataset
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
sb.regplot(data=loan_sampled, x='LoanOriginalAmount', y='BorrowerRate',x_jitter=0.008, color=sb.color_palette()[4])
plt.title('Sampled data:LoanOriginalAmount and BorrowerRate Scatter Plot') ;
The first visualization depicting the relationship between is overplotted because it plotted values from 113,000 rows. The second chart plotted from a sample of the dataset shows a negative correlation between the two variables. This means that the bigger the loan the less the BorrowerRate.
Question #13: How are Credit Grades distributed through individual income ranges?¶
sb.countplot(data=loan_clean, x='IncomeRange', hue='CreditGrade', palette='BuPu_r')
plt.title('Credit Grade distribution in Income Ranges')
plt.ylabel('Count of Credit Grades');
For the borrowers who listed their income as \$0, the count of people increased as the crediting rating
reduced. It peaked at the HR
before dropping to its lowest count in NC
category. This trend is somehow reversed in the two highest income categories where we see that most of
borrowers have better Credit Ratings than those with poor ratings. When we examine the highest income group
, most of the borrowers are in the AA credit rating. The count drops when we move to the A rating but rises
before maintaing a steady drop in the subsequent credit rating categories.
Talk about some of the relationships you observed in this part of the investigation. How did the feature(s) of interest vary with other features in the dataset?¶
There was staggering disparity in homeownership rates in the dataset. Borrowers categorized under Employed had the highest home ownership rates that were approximately 13 times higher than the next highest homeownership category.
Did you observe any interesting relationships between the other features (not the main feature(s) of interest)?¶
When investigating the relationship between DebtToIncomeRatio and BorrowerRate, there was a insignificant but positive relationship between the two variables. This signified that the more debt a borrower had, the more likely their borrowing rates were to be high.
Multivariate Exploration¶
We determined that there a negative relationship between the Original Loan amount and Borrowing Rate. The bigger the loan requested , the smaller the rate was. We will examine this relationship further by introducing a third variable.
Question #14: How do Credit Grades influence the relationship between LoanOriginalAmount and BorrowerRate?¶
#From sampled smaller dataset
f = sb.FacetGrid(data=loan_sampled, hue='CreditGrade', height=6, aspect=1.5), 'LoanOriginalAmount', 'BorrowerRate', x_jitter=0.004)
plt.title('CreditGrade distribution in a LoanOriginalAmount vs BorrowerRate Relationship')
<Figure size 1008x504 with 0 Axes>
# Re-plot without reg lines
f = sb.FacetGrid(data=loan_sampled, hue='CreditGrade', height=6, aspect=1.5), 'LoanOriginalAmount', 'BorrowerRate',fit_reg=False, x_jitter=0.008)
plt.title('CreditGrade distribution in a LoanOriginalAmount vs BorrowerRate Relationship')
This visualization revealed a rather interesting observation. There was significant positive relationship between the Loanamount and the borrowerRate in the top most rated credit ratings ('AA', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'). This means that the borrowing rate increased as the loan amount increased in each credit category. There was also slightly positive relationship between loanamount and Borrowerate in the last 2 credit ratings ('E', 'HR'), but it was a positive relationship nevertheless. This somehow negates our previous findings where we saw that as the Original Loan Amount increased, the borrowing rate decreased.
Question #15: What's the distribution of home owner statuses in a BorrowerRate vs DebtToIncomeRatio scatter plot?¶
#From sampled smaller dataset
f = sb.FacetGrid(data=loan_sampled[loan_sampled.DebtToIncomeRatio <= 2], hue='IsBorrowerHomeowner', height=6, aspect=2.0), 'DebtToIncomeRatio', 'BorrowerRate', fit_reg=True, x_jitter=0.09)
plt.title('IsHomeOwner distribution in a DebtToIncomeRatio vs BorrowerRate Scatter Plot') ;
As the BorrowerRate increases, DebtToIncomeRatio tends to increase also for both home owners and non-homeowners. The relationship was more pronounced in homeowners category which had a bigger correlation coefficient than that of the non-homeowners. This virtually reasonates with our earlier findings where we found that the DebtToIncomeRatio and BorrowerRate variables had a positive relationship.
Talk about some of the relationships you observed in this part of the investigation. Were there features that strengthened each other in terms of looking at your feature(s) of interest?¶
Including a third variable ("IsBorrowerHomeowner") strengthened the positive corelation we observed between DebtToIncomeRatio and BorrowerRate. Even though the home owner categories visualized a positive corelation, the homeowner's coefficient was stronger than the non-homeowners.
Were there any interesting or surprising interactions between features?¶
Plotting a third variable(Credit Ratings) in a Loanamount VS borrowerRate scatter plot revealed that the borrowing rate increased as the LoanAmount increased for each Credit category. However, when the LoanAmount and borrowerRate without the crediting rating variable we get a negative relationship.
Most of the borrowers in this dataset have a C credit rating. The next credit rating with the most borrowers is D with a total of 5,153 people. From the visualization we can also see that the least amount of loans went to borrowers with a NC (No Credit) rating. Only 141 people with No Credit were given loans.
The most common employment status listed by loan borrowers was "Employed" at 93677. The least common employment status listed was "Retired" with a meagre 795 loans. Home Ownership rates between the Employed Categories and all other categories vary greatly. Home ownership is highest amongst the Employed and lowest among the Retired category.
From our listCreationDate Barchart, the highest number of loans were listed in Jan while the least number of loans was listed in April. There is a continuous downward trend from Jan that ended in April. And then from April We have a clear upwards trend for the second quarter upto July before the number of dips slightly before picking another upwards trend until the last month.
There is a weak but positive relationship between the DebtToIncomeRatio and BorrowerRate variables. As the BorrowerRate increases, DebtToIncomeRatio tends to increase also.
There was significant positive relationship between the Loanamount and the borrowerRate in the top most rated credit ratings ('AA', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'). This means that the borrowing rate increased as the loan amount increased in each credit category. There was also slightly strong positive relationship between loanamount and Borrowerate in the last 2 credit ratings ('E', 'HR'), but it was a positive relationship nevertheless. This somehow negates our previous findings where we saw when the Original Loan Amount increased, the borrowing rate decreased.
As the BorrowerRate increases, DebtToIncomeRatio tends to increase also for both home owners and non-homeowners. The relationship was more pronounced in homeowners category which had a bigger correlation coefficient than that of the non-homeowners. This virtually reasonates with our earlier findings where we found that the DebtToIncomeRatio and BorrowerRate variables had a positive relationship.
For the borrowers who listed their income as $0, the count of people increased as the crediting rating reduced. When we examined the highest income group , most of the borrowers have the best AA credit rating, while the worst credit rating has the least count of borrowers.