WeRateDogs is a Twitter account that rates user submitted photos, usually with humorous content. It has a unique rating system that comprises of a numerator and denominator. The numerator is usually greater than that the denominator. The main object of this project will be gather, wrangle and retrieve some insights of the WeRateDogs account that will be retrieved from different sources.
import pandas as pd
import requests
import os
import glob
import json
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import tweepy
import configparser
from tweepy import OAuthHandler
from timeit import default_timer as timer
%matplotlib inline
%autosave 60
Autosaving every 60 seconds
Data Gathering¶
Download the WeRateDogs Twitter archive by clicking on the download link.
Use the pd.read_csv
method to load the data into a Pandas Dataframe
archives_df = pd.read_csv('twitter-archive-enhanced.csv')
Use the Requests library to download the tweet image prediction file (image_predictions.tsv)
#Make a new folder to hold downloaded image-predictions tsv file
folder = 'Predictions'
if not os.path.exists(folder):
#Download file using the requests library
url = ''
response = requests.get(url)
#write the contents of the response into a file in the Predictions folder
with open(os.path.join(folder, url.split('/')[-1]), mode='wb') as file:
Confirm the contents of the Predictions
#lists all the folders/lists of specified directory
Now that we have confirmed that the image-predictions file has been successfully created, we can proceed with reading its contents and loading them into a dataframe
#Read Data from the Image Predictions file into a dataframe
predictions_df = pd.read_csv('Predictions\image-predictions.tsv', sep='\t')
The 3rd Dataset will be retrieved by querying Twitter's API
#use configparser module to read API keys
credentials = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini')
# Query Twitter API for each tweet in the Twitter archive and save JSON in a text file
# These are hidden to comply with Twitter's API terms and conditions
consumer_key = credentials['WeRateDogs']['APIKey']
consumer_secret = credentials['WeRateDogs']['API_Key_Secret']
access_token = credentials['WeRateDogs']['ACCESS_Token']
access_secret = credentials['WeRateDogs']['ACCESS_Token_Secret']
auth = OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth, wait_on_rate_limit=True)
# df_1 is a DataFrame with the twitter_archive_enhanced.csv file. You may have to
# change line 17 to match the name of your DataFrame with twitter_archive_enhanced.csv
# Tweet IDs for which to gather additional data via Twitter's API
tweet_ids = archives_df.tweet_id.values
# Query Twitter's API for JSON data for each tweet ID in the Twitter archive
count = 0
fails_dict = {}
start = timer()
# Save each tweet's returned JSON as a new line in a .txt file
with open('tweet_json.txt', 'w') as outfile:
# This loop will likely take 20-30 minutes to run because of Twitter's rate limit
for tweet_id in tweet_ids:
count += 1
tweet = api.get_status(tweet_id, tweet_mode='extended')
json.dump(tweet._json, outfile)
print(str(count) + ": " + str(tweet_id))
except tweepy.errors.Forbidden as e:
#Silently handle the expected HTTP ERROR 403: UNAUTHORIZED_CLIENT_APPLICATION authorization error:
except tweepy.TweepError as e:
fails_dict[tweet_id] = e
end = timer()
print('{:.4f} secs'.format(end - start))
#Checks if dict is populated, if yes, prints contents
if fails_dict:
403 Forbidden 453 - You currently have Essential access which includes access to Twitter API v2 endpoints only. If you need access to this endpoint, you’ll need to apply for Elevated access via the Developer Portal. You can learn more here: 0.7197 secs
Since we dont have elevated access rights to twitter's API, we are going to manually download additional data to supplement our datasets from this link
Once you've downloaded the tweet-json text file move it into your working directory.
#Create an empty list that will be used to hold the dictionary objects read from the Json txt file
json_list = []
Read JSON Data from the tweet-json.txt
Text File
Use glob module to loop through and find text files in your working directory
Employ a for loop together with .readline() to read lines in the text file
Parse the String returned by the readline method into a Python dictionary with the json.loads method
Create a python dictionary that will be loaded into the empty Json_list list
Confirm if dictionary is present in list, if not append to list, else skip. This will ensure we dont append duplicates
for tweet_file in glob.glob('*.txt'):
with open(tweet_file, encoding='utf-8') as file:
for line in file:
txt_obj = file.readline()
tweet_obj = json.loads(txt_obj)
tweet_dict = {'tweet_id' : tweet_obj['id'], 'created_at' : tweet_obj['created_at'],
'retweet_count' : tweet_obj['retweet_count'],'favorite_count' : tweet_obj['favorite_count'],
'followers_count' : tweet_obj['user']['followers_count']}
if tweet_dict not in json_list:
#glimpse of the first 2 items in the list
[{'tweet_id': 892177421306343426, 'created_at': 'Tue Aug 01 00:17:27 +0000 2017', 'retweet_count': 6514, 'favorite_count': 33819, 'followers_count': 3200889}, {'tweet_id': 891689557279858688, 'created_at': 'Sun Jul 30 15:58:51 +0000 2017', 'retweet_count': 8964, 'favorite_count': 42908, 'followers_count': 3200889}]
Confirm that they are of the Python dict
#Type of the zero-indexed object in the json_list list
assert(type(json_list[0]) == dict)
Optionally, we can use the isinstance
function that checks and returns
if the specified object is a subclass or an instance of the indicated type
#Type of last-indexed object in the json_list
isinstance(json_list[-1], dict)
Use the Pandas' from_dict
method to construct a dataframe from our dictionaries
the json_list list.
additional_tweets_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(json_list)
Check if the tweet_ids in the newly created additional_tweets_df are in the archives dataframe.
#use for loop to assert presence of subset
for tweetID in list(additional_tweets_df.tweet_id):
assert tweetID in list(archives_df.tweet_id)
Assessing Data¶
Quality issues¶
archive_df Table¶
duplicate tweets inform of retweets
is an integer instead of a string object -
is a string object -
columns have null values -
The source of the tweet is embedded in html tags in the
column -
represented as None -
extracted incorrectly in some cases i.e 'a', 'the', 'an' among many others -
is greater than or less than 10 in some cases
additional_tweets_df Table:¶
column in the additional_tweets_df is a duplicated of the timestamp column in archives_dftweet_id
is an integer instead of a string object ###### predictions_df Tabletweet_id
is an integer instead of a string object
Tidiness Issues¶
- The doggo, floofer, pupper and puppo identifiers should unpivoted into a single column
- The three tables should be merged into a single unit.
#Expand the size of the output display
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_row', None)
let's make a visual inspection of our first dataframe
archives_df Table¶
tweet_id | in_reply_to_status_id | in_reply_to_user_id | timestamp | source | text | retweeted_status_id | retweeted_status_user_id | retweeted_status_timestamp | expanded_urls | rating_numerator | rating_denominator | name | doggo | floofer | pupper | puppo | |
2260 | 667550882905632768 | NaN | NaN | 2015-11-20 03:51:47 +0000 | <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter Web Client</a> | RT @dogratingrating: Unoriginal idea. Blatant plagiarism. Curious grammar. -5/10 | 6.675484e+17 | 4.296832e+09 | 2015-11-20 03:41:59 +0000 |, | 5 | 10 | None | None | None | None | None |
1613 | 685315239903100929 | NaN | NaN | 2016-01-08 04:21:00 +0000 | <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> | I would like everyone to appreciate this pup's face as much as I do. 11/10 | NaN | NaN | NaN |, | 11 | 10 | None | None | None | None | None |
2263 | 667544320556335104 | NaN | NaN | 2015-11-20 03:25:43 +0000 | <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter Web Client</a> | This is Kial. Kial is either wearing a cape, which would be rad, or flashing us, which would be rude. 10/10 or 4/10 | NaN | NaN | NaN | | 10 | 10 | Kial | None | None | None | None |
1347 | 704364645503647744 | NaN | NaN | 2016-02-29 17:56:32 +0000 | <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> | Say hello to Bisquick. He's a Beneplop Cumbersnug. Even smiles when wet. 12/10 I'd steal Bisquick | NaN | NaN | NaN |, | 12 | 10 | Bisquick | None | None | None | None |
973 | 750071704093859840 | NaN | NaN | 2016-07-04 21:00:04 +0000 | <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> | Pause your cookout and admire this pupper's nifty hat. 10/10 | NaN | NaN | NaN |,, | 10 | 10 | None | None | None | pupper | None |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 2356 entries, 0 to 2355 Data columns (total 17 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 tweet_id 2356 non-null int64 1 in_reply_to_status_id 78 non-null float64 2 in_reply_to_user_id 78 non-null float64 3 timestamp 2356 non-null object 4 source 2356 non-null object 5 text 2356 non-null object 6 retweeted_status_id 181 non-null float64 7 retweeted_status_user_id 181 non-null float64 8 retweeted_status_timestamp 181 non-null object 9 expanded_urls 2297 non-null object 10 rating_numerator 2356 non-null int64 11 rating_denominator 2356 non-null int64 12 name 2356 non-null object 13 doggo 2356 non-null object 14 floofer 2356 non-null object 15 pupper 2356 non-null object 16 puppo 2356 non-null object dtypes: float64(4), int64(3), object(10) memory usage: 313.0+ KB
The archives_df dataframe is comprised of 2536 rows and a total of 17 columns. On examining the column attributes you can notice that there are 5 columns that are comprised mostly of NULL values. These are
- in_reply_to_status_id 78 non-null
- in_reply_to_user_id 78 non-null
- retweeted_status_id 181 non-null
- retweeted_status_user_id 181 non-null
- retweeted_status_timestamp 181 non-null
#dataframes' numbers of rows and columns
(2356, 17)
tweet_id | in_reply_to_status_id | in_reply_to_user_id | retweeted_status_id | retweeted_status_user_id | rating_numerator | rating_denominator | |
count | 2.356000e+03 | 7.800000e+01 | 7.800000e+01 | 1.810000e+02 | 1.810000e+02 | 2356.000000 | 2356.000000 |
mean | 7.427716e+17 | 7.455079e+17 | 2.014171e+16 | 7.720400e+17 | 1.241698e+16 | 13.126486 | 10.455433 |
std | 6.856705e+16 | 7.582492e+16 | 1.252797e+17 | 6.236928e+16 | 9.599254e+16 | 45.876648 | 6.745237 |
min | 6.660209e+17 | 6.658147e+17 | 1.185634e+07 | 6.661041e+17 | 7.832140e+05 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
25% | 6.783989e+17 | 6.757419e+17 | 3.086374e+08 | 7.186315e+17 | 4.196984e+09 | 10.000000 | 10.000000 |
50% | 7.196279e+17 | 7.038708e+17 | 4.196984e+09 | 7.804657e+17 | 4.196984e+09 | 11.000000 | 10.000000 |
75% | 7.993373e+17 | 8.257804e+17 | 4.196984e+09 | 8.203146e+17 | 4.196984e+09 | 12.000000 | 10.000000 |
max | 8.924206e+17 | 8.862664e+17 | 8.405479e+17 | 8.874740e+17 | 7.874618e+17 | 1776.000000 | 170.000000 |
Check for duplicates in the tweet_id
There are no duplicates in the archives_df dataframe.
Let us examine the name column
#unique items in name column
None 745 a 55 Charlie 12 Cooper 11 Lucy 11 Oliver 11 Tucker 10 Penny 10 Lola 10 Winston 9 an 7 Bailey 7 Leo 6 Oscar 6 Finn 5 George 5 Larry 5 Clarence 4 Loki 4 Walter 4 Name: name, dtype: int64
Sample some of the dogs named a and confirm whether they were extracted correctly
archives_df[ == 'a'].sample(3)
tweet_id | in_reply_to_status_id | in_reply_to_user_id | timestamp | source | text | retweeted_status_id | retweeted_status_user_id | retweeted_status_timestamp | expanded_urls | rating_numerator | rating_denominator | name | doggo | floofer | pupper | puppo | |
2211 | 668614819948453888 | NaN | NaN | 2015-11-23 02:19:29 +0000 | <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> | Here is a horned dog. Much grace. Can jump over moons (dam!). Paws not soft. Bad at barking. 7/10 can still pet tho | NaN | NaN | NaN | | 7 | 10 | a | None | None | None | None |
2327 | 666407126856765440 | NaN | NaN | 2015-11-17 00:06:54 +0000 | <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> | This is a southern Vesuvius bumblegruff. Can drive a truck (wow). Made friends with 5 other nifty dogs (neat). 7/10 | NaN | NaN | NaN | | 7 | 10 | a | None | None | None | None |
1368 | 702539513671897089 | NaN | NaN | 2016-02-24 17:04:07 +0000 | <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> | This is a Wild Tuscan Poofwiggle. Careful not to startle. Rare tongue slip. One eye magical. 12/10 would def pet | NaN | NaN | NaN |,, | 12 | 10 | a | None | None | None | None |
Sample some of the dogs named an and confirm whether the names were extracted correctly
archives_df[ == 'an'].sample(3)
tweet_id | in_reply_to_status_id | in_reply_to_user_id | timestamp | source | text | retweeted_status_id | retweeted_status_user_id | retweeted_status_timestamp | expanded_urls | rating_numerator | rating_denominator | name | doggo | floofer | pupper | puppo | |
2204 | 668636665813057536 | NaN | NaN | 2015-11-23 03:46:18 +0000 | <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> | This is an Irish Rigatoni terrier named Berta. Completely made of rope. No eyes. Quite large. Loves to dance. 10/10 | NaN | NaN | NaN | | 10 | 10 | an | None | None | None | None |
759 | 778396591732486144 | NaN | NaN | 2016-09-21 00:53:04 +0000 | <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> | RT @dog_rates: This is an East African Chalupa Seal. We only rate dogs. Please only send in dogs. Thank you... 10/10 | 7.030419e+17 | 4.196984e+09 | 2016-02-26 02:20:37 +0000 |, | 10 | 10 | an | None | None | None | None |
2333 | 666337882303524864 | NaN | NaN | 2015-11-16 19:31:45 +0000 | <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> | This is an extremely rare horned Parthenon. Not amused. Wears shoes. Overall very nice. 9/10 would pet aggressively | NaN | NaN | NaN | | 9 | 10 | an | None | None | None | None |
Let's count the number of null value in the in_reply_to_status_id column
Number of null values in the in_reply_to_user_id
Number of null values in the retweeted_status_id
Number of null values in the retweeted_status_user_id
No. of unique values in the rating_denominator column with their respective counts
10 2333 11 3 50 3 20 2 80 2 70 1 7 1 15 1 150 1 170 1 0 1 90 1 40 1 130 1 110 1 16 1 120 1 2 1 Name: rating_denominator, dtype: int64
There are several entries with a rating of more than 10
Predictions Table¶
#retrieve a sanple of 10 rows from dataframe
tweet_id | jpg_url | img_num | p1 | p1_conf | p1_dog | p2 | p2_conf | p2_dog | p3 | p3_conf | p3_dog | |
22 | 666337882303524864 | | 1 | ox | 0.416669 | False | Newfoundland | 0.278407 | True | groenendael | 0.102643 | True |
1653 | 809920764300447744 | | 1 | Norwich_terrier | 0.397163 | True | toy_poodle | 0.274540 | True | miniature_poodle | 0.134667 | True |
111 | 667902449697558528 | | 1 | Norwegian_elkhound | 0.298881 | True | malamute | 0.279479 | True | Eskimo_dog | 0.198428 | True |
309 | 671538301157904385 | | 1 | park_bench | 0.194211 | False | water_bottle | 0.071870 | False | beacon | 0.053433 | False |
349 | 672482722825261057 | | 1 | West_Highland_white_terrier | 0.586173 | True | borzoi | 0.206620 | True | Great_Pyrenees | 0.060653 | True |
32 | 666428276349472768 | | 1 | Pembroke | 0.371361 | True | chow | 0.249394 | True | Pomeranian | 0.241878 | True |
242 | 670449342516494336 | | 1 | peacock | 0.999924 | False | European_gallinule | 0.000030 | False | agama | 0.000022 | False |
854 | 696488710901260288 | | 1 | briard | 0.369063 | True | Scotch_terrier | 0.168204 | True | giant_schnauzer | 0.120553 | True |
173 | 669006782128353280 | | 1 | Chihuahua | 0.127178 | True | Italian_greyhound | 0.054215 | True | pillow | 0.048592 | False |
1068 | 715928423106027520 | | 1 | pug | 0.976685 | True | French_bulldog | 0.019663 | True | bull_mastiff | 0.002278 | True |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 2075 entries, 0 to 2074 Data columns (total 12 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 tweet_id 2075 non-null int64 1 jpg_url 2075 non-null object 2 img_num 2075 non-null int64 3 p1 2075 non-null object 4 p1_conf 2075 non-null float64 5 p1_dog 2075 non-null bool 6 p2 2075 non-null object 7 p2_conf 2075 non-null float64 8 p2_dog 2075 non-null bool 9 p3 2075 non-null object 10 p3_conf 2075 non-null float64 11 p3_dog 2075 non-null bool dtypes: bool(3), float64(3), int64(2), object(4) memory usage: 152.1+ KB
From the predictions_df's table attributes, we can gather that the dataframe consists of 12 columns and 2,075 Non_Null rows.
#retrieve descriptive statistics
tweet_id | img_num | p1_conf | p2_conf | p3_conf | |
count | 2.075000e+03 | 2075.000000 | 2075.000000 | 2.075000e+03 | 2.075000e+03 |
mean | 7.384514e+17 | 1.203855 | 0.594548 | 1.345886e-01 | 6.032417e-02 |
std | 6.785203e+16 | 0.561875 | 0.271174 | 1.006657e-01 | 5.090593e-02 |
min | 6.660209e+17 | 1.000000 | 0.044333 | 1.011300e-08 | 1.740170e-10 |
25% | 6.764835e+17 | 1.000000 | 0.364412 | 5.388625e-02 | 1.622240e-02 |
50% | 7.119988e+17 | 1.000000 | 0.588230 | 1.181810e-01 | 4.944380e-02 |
75% | 7.932034e+17 | 1.000000 | 0.843855 | 1.955655e-01 | 9.180755e-02 |
max | 8.924206e+17 | 4.000000 | 1.000000 | 4.880140e-01 | 2.734190e-01 |
#Check for duplicates
There are no duplicates in the predictions dataFrame
tweet_id | created_at | retweet_count | favorite_count | followers_count | |
1124 | 667806454573760512 | Fri Nov 20 20:47:20 +0000 2015 | 535 | 1111 | 3201016 |
1140 | 667200525029539841 | Thu Nov 19 04:39:35 +0000 2015 | 282 | 658 | 3201017 |
58 | 869988702071779329 | Wed May 31 18:47:24 +0000 2017 | 25661 | 0 | 3200891 |
106 | 851464819735769094 | Mon Apr 10 16:00:07 +0000 2017 | 7855 | 25944 | 3200891 |
496 | 748346686624440324 | Thu Jun 30 02:45:28 +0000 2016 | 1413 | 5735 | 3200943 |
132 | 841833993020538882 | Wed Mar 15 02:10:39 +0000 2017 | 17504 | 0 | 3200891 |
881 | 678410210315247616 | Sun Dec 20 03:02:53 +0000 2015 | 2072 | 4640 | 3200954 |
404 | 771380798096281600 | Thu Sep 01 16:14:48 +0000 2016 | 5912 | 11746 | 3200905 |
936 | 675113801096802304 | Fri Dec 11 00:44:07 +0000 2015 | 877 | 2120 | 3201003 |
759 | 690690673629138944 | Sat Jan 23 00:21:03 +0000 2016 | 898 | 2547 | 3200951 |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 1177 entries, 0 to 1176 Data columns (total 5 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 tweet_id 1177 non-null int64 1 created_at 1177 non-null object 2 retweet_count 1177 non-null int64 3 favorite_count 1177 non-null int64 4 followers_count 1177 non-null int64 dtypes: int64(4), object(1) memory usage: 46.1+ KB
There are no NULL values in the additional_tweets_df table. All rows are populated with Non-Null values
#retrieve descriptive stats
tweet_id | retweet_count | favorite_count | followers_count | |
count | 1.177000e+03 | 1177.000000 | 1177.000000 | 1.177000e+03 |
mean | 7.426493e+17 | 3107.338997 | 7901.181818 | 3.200942e+06 |
std | 6.851760e+16 | 5458.476288 | 11536.383916 | 4.432643e+01 |
min | 6.660209e+17 | 2.000000 | 0.000000 | 3.200802e+06 |
25% | 6.783968e+17 | 613.000000 | 1339.000000 | 3.200898e+06 |
50% | 7.193678e+17 | 1460.000000 | 3553.000000 | 3.200945e+06 |
75% | 7.992971e+17 | 3628.000000 | 9872.000000 | 3.200953e+06 |
max | 8.921774e+17 | 79515.000000 | 131075.000000 | 3.201018e+06 |
The range for retweet_count, favourite_count and followers_count columns from min and max rows are whole numbers
Let's check for duplicate columns in our 3 dataframes
#check for duplicates
There are no duplicated entries in the additional_tweets_df table
#Check for common column names between the 3 tables
column_series = pd.Series(list(archives_df) + list(additional_tweets_df) + list(predictions_df))
17 tweet_id 22 tweet_id dtype: object
The tweet_id column will come in handy later when will perform join operations on the tables
Cleaning Data¶
Make copies of original pieces of data¶
archives_clean = archives_df.copy()
predictions_clean = predictions_df.copy()
additional_clean = additional_tweets_df.copy()
Quality issues¶
Issue #1: archives_df - duplicate tweets inform of retweets¶
- Delete retweets that can be identified with rows that have a value in retweeted_status_id column
#filter rows with values in retweeted_status_id column
tweet_id | in_reply_to_status_id | in_reply_to_user_id | timestamp | source | text | retweeted_status_id | retweeted_status_user_id | retweeted_status_timestamp | expanded_urls | rating_numerator | rating_denominator | name | doggo | floofer | pupper | puppo | |
19 | 888202515573088257 | NaN | NaN | 2017-07-21 01:02:36 +0000 | <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> | RT @dog_rates: This is Canela. She attempted some fancy porch pics. They were unsuccessful. 13/10 someone help her | 8.874740e+17 | 4.196984e+09 | 2017-07-19 00:47:34 +0000 |,,, | 13 | 10 | Canela | None | None | None | None |
32 | 886054160059072513 | NaN | NaN | 2017-07-15 02:45:48 +0000 | <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> | RT @Athletics: 12/10 #BATP | 8.860537e+17 | 1.960740e+07 | 2017-07-15 02:44:07 +0000 |, | 12 | 10 | None | None | None | None | None |
36 | 885311592912609280 | NaN | NaN | 2017-07-13 01:35:06 +0000 | <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> | RT @dog_rates: This is Lilly. She just parallel barked. Kindly requests a reward now. 13/10 would pet so well | 8.305833e+17 | 4.196984e+09 | 2017-02-12 01:04:29 +0000 |,,, | 13 | 10 | Lilly | None | None | None | None |
#create a new df that exxludes the filtered rows
archives_clean = archives_clean[archives_clean['retweeted_status_id'].isnull()]
#ensure that the count of rows with retweeted_status_id(retweets) is zero
assert(archives_clean['retweeted_status_id'].notnull().sum() == 0)
Issue #2: tweet_id is an integer instead of a string object in all 3 dataframes¶
- Change the datatype of tweet_id from an integer to a String
#use astype method to convert to desired datatype
archives_clean['tweet_id'] = archives_clean['tweet_id'].astype('str')
additional_clean['tweet_id'] = additional_clean['tweet_id'].astype('str')
predictions_clean['tweet_id'] = predictions_clean['tweet_id'].astype('str')
#confirm that each tweet_id is of class object
assert(archives_clean['tweet_id'].dtype == 'O')
assert(additional_clean['tweet_id'].dtype == 'O')
assert(predictions_clean['tweet_id'].dtype == 'O')
Issue #3: archives_df - timestamp is a string object¶
#Retrieve a sample of the timestamp column
1903 2015-12-09 17:15:54 +0000 Name: timestamp, dtype: object
- Convert string to a datetime object
# use to_datetime function to convert str to a pandas datetime object
archives_clean['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(archives_clean.timestamp)
#confirm that the resulting column is of datetime - UTC timezone datatype
assert(archives_clean['timestamp'].dtype == 'datetime64[ns, UTC]')
Issue #4: archives_df - in_reply_to_user_id, in_reply_to_status_id, retweeted_status_timestamp, retweeted_status_id and retweeted_status_user_id columns have null values¶
- Delete indicated columns from dataframe
tweet_id | in_reply_to_status_id | in_reply_to_user_id | timestamp | source | text | retweeted_status_id | retweeted_status_user_id | retweeted_status_timestamp | expanded_urls | rating_numerator | rating_denominator | name | doggo | floofer | pupper | puppo | |
143 | 864197398364647424 | NaN | NaN | 2017-05-15 19:14:50+00:00 | <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> | This is Paisley. She ate a flower just to prove she could. Savage af. 13/10 would pet so well | NaN | NaN | NaN |,,, | 13 | 10 | Paisley | None | None | None | None |
1274 | 709198395643068416 | NaN | NaN | 2016-03-14 02:04:08+00:00 | <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> | From left to right:\nCletus, Jerome, Alejandro, Burp, & Titson\nNone know where camera is. 45/50 would hug all at once | NaN | NaN | NaN | | 45 | 50 | None | None | None | None | None |
1321 | 706310011488698368 | NaN | NaN | 2016-03-06 02:46:44+00:00 | <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> | Here's a very sleepy pupper. Thinks it's an airplane. 12/10 would snug for eternity | NaN | NaN | NaN |, | 12 | 10 | None | None | None | pupper | None |
#List of columns to be dropped
to_be_deleted = ['in_reply_to_user_id', 'in_reply_to_status_id',
'retweeted_status_timestamp', 'retweeted_status_id',
archives_clean = archives_clean.drop(columns=to_be_deleted)
#checks if any of the columns in the new df are in to_be_deleted list
#Returns ''Specified columns were all deleted'' if specified columns were deleted
def check_columns():
for column in archives_clean.columns:
if column in to_be_deleted:
return ('{} was not deleted'.format(column))
return('Specified columns were all deleted')
'Specified columns were all deleted'
Issue #5 archives_df: The source of the tweet is embedded in html tags in the source column¶
- Retrieve the source of the tweet from the string object
Split the string using '>' and use indexing to pick one-indexed obejct
split the resulting object on a whitespace and pick the last item
strip whitespace from the string
finally srip the closing anchor tag from the str
archives_clean['source'] = archives_clean['source'].apply(lambda x: x.split('>')[1].split()[-1].strip().strip('</a'))
#Count the number of unique items
iPhone 2042 Scene 91 Client 31 TweetDeck 11 Name: source, dtype: int64
#Check for unique items in source column
array(['iPhone', 'Client', 'Scene', 'TweetDeck'], dtype=object)
We've successfully stripped away the HTML tag and remained with clean sources of tweets 'iPhone', 'Client', 'Scene', 'TweetDeck'
Issue #6 archives_df: missing name represented as None¶
- Replace None string entries in the name column with a meaningful descriptor (No_Name)
# replace every instance of the word None with 'No Name'
archives_clean['name'] = archives_clean['name'].replace('None', 'No_Name')
#confirm that None is not the name column
assert None not in archives_clean['name'].unique()
Issue #7 archives_df: some names were extracted incorrectly¶
- Replace incorrectly extracted names with 'incorrect_name'
#Count the total number of unique names in the archives_clean dataframe:
Visualize unique items in the name column and try to decipher if there is a pattern in the incorrectly extracted names
array(['Phineas', 'Tilly', 'Archie', 'Darla', 'Franklin', 'No_Name', 'Jax', 'Zoey', 'Cassie', 'Koda', 'Bruno', 'Ted', 'Stuart', 'Oliver', 'Jim', 'Zeke', 'Ralphus', 'Gerald', 'Jeffrey', 'such', 'Canela', 'Maya', 'Mingus', 'Derek', 'Roscoe', 'Waffles', 'Jimbo', 'Maisey', 'Earl', 'Lola', 'Kevin', 'Yogi', 'Noah', 'Bella', 'Grizzwald', 'Rusty', 'Gus', 'Stanley', 'Alfy', 'Koko', 'Rey', 'Gary', 'a', 'Elliot', 'Louis', 'Jesse', 'Romeo', 'Bailey', 'Duddles', 'Jack', 'Steven', 'Beau', 'Snoopy', 'Shadow', 'Emmy', 'Aja', 'Penny', 'Dante', 'Nelly', 'Ginger', 'Benedict', 'Venti', 'Goose', 'Nugget', 'Cash', 'Jed', 'Sebastian', 'Sierra', 'Monkey', 'Harry', 'Kody', 'Lassie', 'Rover', 'Napolean', 'Boomer', 'Cody', 'Rumble', 'Clifford', 'Dewey', 'Scout', 'Gizmo', 'Walter', 'Cooper', 'Harold', 'Shikha', 'Lili', 'Jamesy', 'Coco', 'Sammy', 'Meatball', 'Paisley', 'Albus', 'Neptune', 'Belle', 'Quinn', 'Zooey', 'Dave', 'Jersey', 'Hobbes', 'Burt', 'Lorenzo', 'Carl', 'Jordy', 'Milky', 'Trooper', 'quite', 'Sophie', 'Wyatt', 'Rosie', 'Thor', 'Oscar', 'Callie', 'Cermet', 'Marlee', 'Arya', 'Einstein', 'Alice', 'Rumpole', 'Benny', 'Aspen', 'Jarod', 'Wiggles', 'General', 'Sailor', 'Iggy', 'Snoop', 'Kyle', 'Leo', 'Riley', 'Noosh', 'Odin', 'Jerry', 'Georgie', 'Rontu', 'Cannon', 'Furzey', 'Daisy', 'Tuck', 'Barney', 'Vixen', 'Jarvis', 'Mimosa', 'Pickles', 'Brady', 'Luna', 'Charlie', 'Margo', 'Sadie', 'Hank', 'Tycho', 'Indie', 'Winnie', 'George', 'Bentley', 'Max', 'Dawn', 'Maddie', 'Monty', 'Sojourner', 'Winston', 'Odie', 'Arlo', 'Vincent', 'Lucy', 'Clark', 'Mookie', 'Meera', 'Ava', 'Eli', 'Ash', 'Tucker', 'Tobi', 'Chester', 'Wilson', 'Sunshine', 'Lipton', 'Bronte', 'Poppy', 'Gidget', 'Rhino', 'Willow', 'not', 'Orion', 'Eevee', 'Smiley', 'Miguel', 'Emanuel', 'Kuyu', 'Dutch', 'Pete', 'Scooter', 'Reggie', 'Lilly', 'Samson', 'Mia', 'Astrid', 'Malcolm', 'Dexter', 'Alfie', 'Fiona', 'one', 'Mutt', 'Bear', 'Doobert', 'Beebop', 'Alexander', 'Sailer', 'Brutus', 'Kona', 'Boots', 'Ralphie', 'Loki', 'Cupid', 'Pawnd', 'Pilot', 'Ike', 'Mo', 'Toby', 'Sweet', 'Pablo', 'Nala', 'Crawford', 'Gabe', 'Jimison', 'Duchess', 'Harlso', 'Sundance', 'Luca', 'Flash', 'Sunny', 'Howie', 'Jazzy', 'Anna', 'Finn', 'Bo', 'Wafer', 'Tom', 'Florence', 'Autumn', 'Buddy', 'Dido', 'Eugene', 'Ken', 'Strudel', 'Tebow', 'Chloe', 'Timber', 'Binky', 'Moose', 'Dudley', 'Comet', 'Akumi', 'Titan', 'Olivia', 'Alf', 'Oshie', 'Chubbs', 'Sky', 'Atlas', 'Eleanor', 'Layla', 'Rocky', 'Baron', 'Tyr', 'Bauer', 'Swagger', 'Brandi', 'Mary', 'Moe', 'Halo', 'Augie', 'Craig', 'Sam', 'Hunter', 'Pavlov', 'Phil', 'Kyro', 'Wallace', 'Ito', 'Seamus', 'Ollie', 'Stephan', 'Lennon', 'incredibly', 'Major', 'Duke', 'Sansa', 'Shooter', 'Django', 'Diogi', 'Sonny', 'Marley', 'Severus', 'Ronnie', 'Milo', 'Bones', 'Mauve', 'Chef', 'Doc', 'Peaches', 'Sobe', 'Longfellow', 'Mister', 'Iroh', 'Pancake', 'Snicku', 'Ruby', 'Brody', 'Mack', 'Nimbus', 'Laika', 'Maximus', 'Dobby', 'Moreton', 'Juno', 'Maude', 'Lily', 'Newt', 'Benji', 'Nida', 'Robin', 'Monster', 'BeBe', 'Remus', 'Levi', 'Mabel', 'Misty', 'Betty', 'Mosby', 'Maggie', 'Bruce', 'Happy', 'Ralphy', 'Brownie', 'Rizzy', 'Stella', 'Butter', 'Frank', 'Tonks', 'Lincoln', 'Rory', 'Logan', 'Dale', 'Rizzo', 'Arnie', 'Mattie', 'Pinot', 'Dallas', 'Hero', 'Frankie', 'Stormy', 'Reginald', 'Balto', 'Mairi', 'Loomis', 'Godi', 'Cali', 'Deacon', 'Timmy', 'Sampson', 'Chipson', 'Combo', 'Oakley', 'Dash', 'Hercules', 'Jay', 'Mya', 'Strider', 'Wesley', 'Solomon', 'Huck', 'O', 'Blue', 'Anakin', 'Finley', 'Sprinkles', 'Heinrich', 'Shakespeare', 'Chelsea', 'Bungalo', 'Chip', 'Grey', 'Roosevelt', 'Willem', 'Davey', 'Dakota', 'Fizz', 'Dixie', 'very', 'Al', 'Jackson', 'Carbon', 'Klein', 'DonDon', 'Kirby', 'Lou', 'Chevy', 'Tito', 'Philbert', 'Louie', 'Rupert', 'Rufus', 'Brudge', 'Shadoe', 'Angel', 'Brat', 'Tove', 'my', 'Gromit', 'Aubie', 'Kota', 'Leela', 'Glenn', 'Shelby', 'Sephie', 'Bonaparte', 'Albert', 'Wishes', 'Rose', 'Theo', 'Rocco', 'Fido', 'Emma', 'Spencer', 'Lilli', 'Boston', 'Brandonald', 'Corey', 'Leonard', 'Beckham', 'Devón', 'Gert', 'Watson', 'Keith', 'Dex', 'Ace', 'Tayzie', 'Grizzie', 'Fred', 'Gilbert', 'Meyer', 'Zoe', 'Stewie', 'Calvin', 'Lilah', 'Spanky', 'Jameson', 'Piper', 'Atticus', 'Blu', 'Dietrich', 'Divine', 'Tripp', 'his', 'Cora', 'Huxley', 'Keurig', 'Bookstore', 'Linus', 'Abby', 'Shiloh', 'an', 'Gustav', 'Arlen', 'Percy', 'Lenox', 'Sugar', 'Harvey', 'Blanket', 'actually', 'Geno', 'Stark', 'Beya', 'Kilo', 'Kayla', 'Maxaroni', 'Bell', 'Doug', 'Edmund', 'Aqua', 'Theodore', 'just', 'Baloo', 'Chase', 'getting', 'Nollie', 'Rorie', 'Simba', 'Charles', 'Bayley', 'Axel', 'Storkson', 'Remy', 'Chadrick', 'mad', 'Kellogg', 'Buckley', 'Livvie', 'Terry', 'Hermione', 'Ralpher', 'Aldrick', 'Larry', 'this', 'unacceptable', 'Rooney', 'Crystal', 'Ziva', 'Stefan', 'Pupcasso', 'Puff', 'Flurpson', 'Coleman', 'Enchilada', 'Raymond', 'all', 'Rueben', 'Cilantro', 'Karll', 'Sprout', 'Blitz', 'Bloop', 'Colby', 'Lillie', 'Ashleigh', 'Kreggory', 'Sarge', 'Luther', 'Ivar', 'Jangle', 'Schnitzel', 'Panda', 'Berkeley', 'Ralphé', 'Charleson', 'Clyde', 'Harnold', 'Sid', 'Pippa', 'Otis', 'Carper', 'Bowie', 'Alexanderson', 'Suki', 'Barclay', 'Skittle', 'Ebby', 'Flávio', 'Smokey', 'Link', 'Jennifur', 'Ozzy', 'Bluebert', 'Stephanus', 'Bubbles', 'old', 'Zeus', 'Bertson', 'Nico', 'Michelangelope', 'Siba', 'Calbert', 'Curtis', 'Travis', 'Thumas', 'Kanu', 'Lance', 'Opie', 'Stubert', 'Kane', 'Olive', 'Chuckles', 'Staniel', 'Sora', 'Beemo', 'Gunner', 'infuriating', 'Lacy', 'Tater', 'Olaf', 'Cecil', 'Vince', 'Karma', 'Billy', 'Walker', 'Rodney', 'Klevin', 'Malikai', 'Bobble', 'River', 'Jebberson', 'Remington', 'Farfle', 'Jiminus', 'Harper', 'Clarkus', 'Finnegus', 'Cupcake', 'Kathmandu', 'Ellie', 'Katie', 'Kara', 'Adele', 'Zara', 'Ambrose', 'Jimothy', 'Bode', 'Terrenth', 'Reese', 'Chesterson', 'Lucia', 'Bisquick', 'Ralphson', 'Socks', 'Rambo', 'Rudy', 'Fiji', 'Rilo', 'Bilbo', 'Coopson', 'Yoda', 'Millie', 'Chet', 'Crouton', 'Daniel', 'Kaia', 'Murphy', 'Dotsy', 'Eazy', 'Coops', 'Fillup', 'Miley', 'Charl', 'Reagan', 'Yukon', 'CeCe', 'Cuddles', 'Claude', 'Jessiga', 'Carter', 'Ole', 'Pherb', 'Blipson', 'Reptar', 'Trevith', 'Berb', 'Bob', 'Colin', 'Brian', 'Oliviér', 'Grady', 'Kobe', 'Freddery', 'Bodie', 'Dunkin', 'Wally', 'Tupawc', 'Amber', 'Herschel', 'Edgar', 'Teddy', 'Kingsley', 'Brockly', 'Richie', 'Molly', 'Vinscent', 'Cedrick', 'Hazel', 'Lolo', 'Eriq', 'Phred', 'the', 'Oddie', 'Maxwell', 'Geoff', 'Covach', 'Durg', 'Fynn', 'Ricky', 'Herald', 'Lucky', 'Ferg', 'Trip', 'Clarence', 'Hamrick', 'Brad', 'Pubert', 'Frönq', 'Derby', 'Lizzie', 'Ember', 'Blakely', 'Opal', 'Marq', 'Kramer', 'Barry', 'Tyrone', 'Gordon', 'Baxter', 'Mona', 'Horace', 'Crimson', 'Birf', 'Hammond', 'Lorelei', 'Marty', 'Brooks', 'Petrick', 'Hubertson', 'Gerbald', 'Oreo', 'Bruiser', 'Perry', 'Bobby', 'Jeph', 'Obi', 'Tino', 'Kulet', 'Sweets', 'Lupe', 'Tiger', 'Jiminy', 'Griffin', 'Banjo', 'Brandy', 'Lulu', 'Darrel', 'Taco', 'Joey', 'Patrick', 'Kreg', 'Todo', 'Tess', 'Ulysses', 'Toffee', 'Apollo', 'Carly', 'Asher', 'Glacier', 'Chuck', 'Champ', 'Ozzie', 'Griswold', 'Cheesy', 'Moofasa', 'Hector', 'Goliath', 'Kawhi', 'by', 'Emmie', 'Penelope', 'Willie', 'Rinna', 'Mike', 'William', 'Dwight', 'Evy', 'Hurley', 'Rubio', 'officially', 'Chompsky', 'Rascal', 'Linda', 'Tug', 'Tango', 'Grizz', 'Jerome', 'Crumpet', 'Jessifer', 'Izzy', 'Ralph', 'Sandy', 'Humphrey', 'Tassy', 'Juckson', 'Chuq', 'Tyrus', 'Karl', 'Godzilla', 'Vinnie', 'Kenneth', 'Herm', 'Bert', 'Striker', 'Donny', 'Pepper', 'Bernie', 'Buddah', 'Lenny', 'Arnold', 'Zuzu', 'Mollie', 'Laela', 'Tedders', 'Superpup', 'Rufio', 'Jeb', 'Rodman', 'Jonah', 'Chesney', 'life', 'Kenny', 'Henry', 'Bobbay', 'Mitch', 'Kaiya', 'Acro', 'Aiden', 'Obie', 'Dot', 'Shnuggles', 'Kendall', 'Jeffri', 'Steve', 'Eve', 'Mac', 'Fletcher', 'Kenzie', 'Pumpkin', 'Schnozz', 'Gustaf', 'Cheryl', 'Ed', 'Leonidas', 'Norman', 'Caryl', 'Scott', 'Taz', 'Darby', 'Jackie', 'light', 'Jazz', 'Franq', 'Pippin', 'Rolf', 'Snickers', 'Ridley', 'Cal', 'Bradley', 'Bubba', 'Tuco', 'Patch', 'Mojo', 'Batdog', 'Dylan', 'space', 'Mark', 'JD', 'Alejandro', 'Scruffers', 'Pip', 'Julius', 'Tanner', 'Sparky', 'Anthony', 'Holly', 'Jett', 'Amy', 'Sage', 'Andy', 'Mason', 'Trigger', 'Antony', 'Creg', 'Traviss', 'Gin', 'Jeffrie', 'Danny', 'Ester', 'Pluto', 'Bloo', 'Edd', 'Paull', 'Willy', 'Herb', 'Damon', 'Peanut', 'Nigel', 'Butters', 'Sandra', 'Fabio', 'Randall', 'Liam', 'Tommy', 'Ben', 'Raphael', 'Julio', 'Andru', 'Kloey', 'Shawwn', 'Skye', 'Kollin', 'Ronduh', 'Billl', 'Saydee', 'Dug', 'Tessa', 'Sully', 'Kirk', 'Ralf', 'Clarq', 'Jaspers', 'Samsom', 'Terrance', 'Harrison', 'Chaz', 'Jeremy', 'Jaycob', 'Lambeau', 'Ruffles', 'Amélie', 'Bobb', 'Banditt', 'Kevon', 'Winifred', 'Hanz', 'Churlie', 'Zeek', 'Timofy', 'Maks', 'Jomathan', 'Kallie', 'Marvin', 'Spark', 'Gòrdón', 'Jo', 'DayZ', 'Jareld', 'Torque', 'Ron', 'Skittles', 'Cleopatricia', 'Erik', 'Stu', 'Tedrick', 'Shaggy', 'Filup', 'Kial', 'Naphaniel', 'Dook', 'Hall', 'Philippe', 'Biden', 'Fwed', 'Genevieve', 'Joshwa', 'Timison', 'Bradlay', 'Pipsy', 'Clybe', 'Keet', 'Carll', 'Jockson', 'Josep', 'Lugan', 'Christoper'], dtype=object)
A vigilant walk-through the list of names displayed above will reveal that all proper nouns are always
capitalized. It will be safe to assume that the few instances of words like such
, not
, incredibly
which are all in lower case
incorrectly extracted names. Let's put that assumption to test
#filter all lower case names and return unique words
lower_case = archives_clean[].name.unique()
['such' 'a' 'quite' 'not' 'one' 'incredibly' 'very' 'my' 'his' 'an' 'actually' 'just' 'getting' 'mad' 'this' 'unacceptable' 'all' 'old' 'infuriating' 'the' 'by' 'officially' 'life' 'light' 'space']
#Count of each lower case word
a 55 the 8 an 6 one 4 very 4 quite 3 just 3 getting 2 not 2 actually 2 old 1 light 1 life 1 officially 1 by 1 infuriating 1 such 1 all 1 unacceptable 1 this 1 mad 1 his 1 my 1 incredibly 1 space 1 Name: name, dtype: int64
#replace values in inidicated list with indicated value
archives_clean['name'] = archives_clean['name'].replace(lower_case, 'incorrect_name')
#Loop through lower_case elements and confirm that they are not in name column:
for name in lower_case:
assert name not in list(archives_clean['name'].unique())
Issue #8 archives_df - rating_denominator is greater than or less than 10 in some cases¶
- Replace all values that are not equal to 10 in the rating_denominator with 10
Check for instances where the value of the denominator is less than 10
archives_clean[archives_clean['rating_denominator'] < 10]
tweet_id | timestamp | source | text | expanded_urls | rating_numerator | rating_denominator | name | doggo | floofer | pupper | puppo | |
313 | 835246439529840640 | 2017-02-24 21:54:03+00:00 | iPhone | @jonnysun @Lin_Manuel ok jomny I know you're excited but 960/00 isn't a valid rating, 13/10 is tho | NaN | 960 | 0 | No_Name | None | None | None | None |
516 | 810984652412424192 | 2016-12-19 23:06:23+00:00 | iPhone | Meet Sam. She smiles 24/7 & secretly aspires to be a reindeer. \nKeep Sam smiling by clicking and sharing this link:\n |, | 24 | 7 | Sam | None | None | None | None |
2335 | 666287406224695296 | 2015-11-16 16:11:11+00:00 | iPhone | This is an Albanian 3 1/2 legged Episcopalian. Loves well-polished hardwood flooring. Penis on the collar. 9/10 | | 1 | 2 | incorrect_name | None | None | None | None |
Since there is no discernable pattern in rows where the value is less than 10, we will have to clean the denominator manualy
archives_clean.loc[archives_clean['tweet_id'] == '835246439529840640', 'rating_denominator'] = 10
archives_clean.loc[archives_clean['tweet_id'] == '810984652412424192', 'rating_denominator'] = np.nan
archives_clean.loc[archives_clean['tweet_id'] == '666287406224695296', 'rating_denominator'] = 10
Let's check cases where the denominator is higher than 10
#Filter Text rating_numerator and rating_denominator columns where the rating_denominator is greater that 10
archives_clean.loc[archives_clean['rating_denominator'] > 10,['tweet_id','text', 'rating_numerator','rating_denominator']]
tweet_id | text | rating_numerator | rating_denominator | |
342 | 832088576586297345 | @docmisterio account started on 11/15/15 | 11 | 15.0 |
433 | 820690176645140481 | The floofs have been released I repeat the floofs have been released. 84/70 | 84 | 70.0 |
902 | 758467244762497024 | Why does this never happen at my front door... 165/150 | 165 | 150.0 |
1068 | 740373189193256964 | After so many requests, this is Bretagne. She was the last surviving 9/11 search dog, and our second ever 14/10. RIP | 9 | 11.0 |
1120 | 731156023742988288 | Say hello to this unbelievably well behaved squad of doggos. 204/170 would try to pet all at once | 204 | 170.0 |
1165 | 722974582966214656 | Happy 4/20 from the squad! 13/10 for all | 4 | 20.0 |
1202 | 716439118184652801 | This is Bluebert. He just saw that both #FinalFur match ups are split 50/50. Amazed af. 11/10 | 50 | 50.0 |
1228 | 713900603437621249 | Happy Saturday here's 9 puppers on a bench. 99/90 good work everybody | 99 | 90.0 |
1254 | 710658690886586372 | Here's a brigade of puppers. All look very prepared for whatever happens next. 80/80 | 80 | 80.0 |
1274 | 709198395643068416 | From left to right:\nCletus, Jerome, Alejandro, Burp, & Titson\nNone know where camera is. 45/50 would hug all at once | 45 | 50.0 |
1351 | 704054845121142784 | Here is a whole flock of puppers. 60/50 I'll take the lot | 60 | 50.0 |
1433 | 697463031882764288 | Happy Wednesday here's a bucket of pups. 44/40 would pet all at once | 44 | 40.0 |
1598 | 686035780142297088 | Yes I do realize a rating of 4/20 would've been fitting. However, it would be unjust to give these cooperative pups that low of a rating | 4 | 20.0 |
1634 | 684225744407494656 | Two sneaky puppers were not initially seen, moving the rating to 143/130. Please forgive us. Thank you | 143 | 130.0 |
1635 | 684222868335505415 | Someone help the girl is being mugged. Several are distracting her while two steal her shoes. Clever puppers 121/110 | 121 | 110.0 |
1662 | 682962037429899265 | This is Darrel. He just robbed a 7/11 and is in a high speed police chase. Was just spotted by the helicopter 10/10 | 7 | 11.0 |
1663 | 682808988178739200 | I'm aware that I could've said 20/16, but here at WeRateDogs we are very professional. An inconsistent rating scale is simply irresponsible | 20 | 16.0 |
1779 | 677716515794329600 | IT'S PUPPERGEDDON. Total of 144/120 ...I think | 144 | 120.0 |
1843 | 675853064436391936 | Here we have an entire platoon of puppers. Total score: 88/80 would pet all at once | 88 | 80.0 |
A quick observation from the filtered rows is that for cases where the denominator is greater than 10, in most cases, the text description refers to a group of dogs. These will be left intact and manual cleaning will be done on erronous entries
#dog - @docmisterio
archives_clean.loc[archives_clean['tweet_id'] == '832088576586297345', 'rating_denominator'] = np.nan
#dog -Bretagne
archives_clean.loc[archives_clean['tweet_id'] == '740373189193256964', 'rating_denominator'] = 10
#dog - Bluebert
archives_clean.loc[archives_clean['tweet_id'] == '716439118184652801', 'rating_denominator'] = 10
#dog - Darell
archives_clean.loc[archives_clean['tweet_id'] == '682962037429899265', 'rating_denominator'] = 10
#unique entries in the rating denominator
array([ 10., nan, 70., 150., 170., 20., 90., 80., 50., 40., 130., 110., 16., 120.])
#Test for values greater than 10 and nan in rating _denominator
for num in archives_clean.rating_denominator:
assert ((num >= 10) or np.isnan(num))
Issue #9. created_at column in the additional_tweets_df is a duplicate of the timestamp column in archives_df¶
- Drop the
created at
column in additional_tweets_df because it is already present in the archives_df column
#use drop method
additional_clean = additional_clean.drop(columns='created_at')
assert 'created_at' not in additional_clean.columns
Issue #1 The doggo, floofer, pupper and puppo identifiers should unpivoted into a single column¶
- Reshape the doggo, floofer, pupper and puppo into a single column
Examine the dog stages and identify any cases wehere a dog is categorized into several categories
archives_clean.groupby(["doggo", "floofer", "pupper", "puppo"]).size().reset_index().rename(columns={0: "count"})
doggo | floofer | pupper | puppo | count | |
0 | None | None | None | None | 1831 |
1 | None | None | None | puppo | 24 |
2 | None | None | pupper | None | 224 |
3 | None | floofer | None | None | 9 |
4 | doggo | None | None | None | 75 |
5 | doggo | None | None | puppo | 1 |
6 | doggo | None | pupper | None | 10 |
7 | doggo | floofer | None | None | 1 |
Summary Findings
- There is a dog categorized both as doggo and puppo in rows 5
- There are 5 dogs categorized both as doggo and Pupper in row 6
- There is a dog categorized as doggo and floofer in row 7
Clean up the Stage columns by replacing None
and NaN
values with an empty
#doggo column
archives_clean.doggo.replace('None', '', inplace=True)
archives_clean.doggo.replace('NaN', '', inplace=True)
#floofer column
archives_clean.floofer.replace('None', '', inplace=True)
archives_clean.floofer.replace('NaN', '', inplace=True)
#pupper column
archives_clean.pupper.replace('None', '', inplace=True)
archives_clean.pupper.replace('NaN', '', inplace=True)
#puppo column
archives_clean.puppo.replace('None', '', inplace=True)
archives_clean.puppo.replace('NaN', '', inplace=True)
Check and confirm that all the None and NaN entries have been converted to an empty string
archives_clean.groupby(["doggo", "floofer", "pupper", "puppo"]).size().reset_index().rename(columns={0: "count"})
doggo | floofer | pupper | puppo | count | |
0 | 1831 | ||||
1 | puppo | 24 | |||
2 | pupper | 224 | |||
3 | floofer | 9 | |||
4 | doggo | 75 | |||
5 | doggo | puppo | 1 | ||
6 | doggo | pupper | 10 | ||
7 | doggo | floofer | 1 |
The whole idea of eliminating the None and NaN values is that; the elimination of the values would allow us to create a new dog_category column by simply Concatenating/adding existing columns as shown below:
archives_clean['dog_category'] = archives_clean.pupper + archives_clean.doggo + archives_clean.puppo+ archives_clean.floofer
#Count of unique items in our newly created dataframe
1831 pupper 224 doggo 75 puppo 24 pupperdoggo 10 floofer 9 doggopuppo 1 doggofloofer 1 Name: dog_category, dtype: int64
Filter the text description for the dog categorized as doggopuppo and retrieve correct stage
archives_clean.loc[archives_clean['dog_category'] == 'doggopuppo', 'text']
191 Here's a puppo participating in the #ScienceMarch. Cleverly disguising her own doggo agenda. 13/10 would keep the planet habitable for Name: text, dtype: object
#correct stage name is Puppo
archives_clean.loc[archives_clean['dog_category'] == 'doggopuppo', 'dog_category'] = 'puppo'
Repeat the same process for the doggofloofer category
archives_clean.loc[archives_clean['dog_category'] == 'doggofloofer', 'text']
200 At first I thought this was a shy doggo, but it's actually a Rare Canadian Floofer Owl. Amateurs would confuse the two. 11/10 only send dogs Name: text, dtype: object
#correct name is Floofer
archives_clean.loc[archives_clean['dog_category'] == 'doggofloofer', 'dog_category'] = 'floofer'
Since most of the dogs in the pupperdoggo consist of two or more dogs we are going to retain the descriptor
#pupperdoggo stage
archives_clean.loc[archives_clean['dog_category'] == 'pupperdoggo', 'text']
460 This is Dido. She's playing the lead role in "Pupper Stops to Catch Snow Before Resuming Shadow Box with Dried Apple." 13/10 (IG: didodoggo) 531 Here we have Burke (pupper) and Dexter (doggo). Pupper wants to be exactly like doggo. Both 12/10 would pet at same time 565 Like doggo, like pupper version 2. Both 11/10 575 This is Bones. He's being haunted by another doggo of roughly the same size. 12/10 deep breaths pupper everything's fine 705 This is Pinot. He's a sophisticated doggo. You can tell by the hat. Also pointier than your average pupper. Still 10/10 would pet cautiously 733 Pupper butt 1, Doggo 0. Both 12/10 889 Meet Maggie & Lila. Maggie is the doggo, Lila is the pupper. They are sisters. Both 12/10 would pet at the same time 956 Please stop sending it pictures that don't even have a doggo or pupper in them. Churlish af. 5/10 neat couch tho 1063 This is just downright precious af. 12/10 for both pupper and doggo 1113 Like father (doggo), like son (pupper). Both 12/10 Name: text, dtype: object
archives_clean.loc[archives_clean['dog_category'] == 'pupperdoggo', 'dog_category'] = 'pupper, doggo'
We will drop the doggo, floofer, pupper and puppo columns at this stage because we've retrieved the data we needed to build our new column.
archives_clean = archives_clean.drop(columns=[ 'doggo', 'floofer', 'pupper', 'puppo'])
#unique items in dog category column
1831 pupper 224 doggo 75 puppo 25 floofer 10 pupper, doggo 10 Name: dog_category, dtype: int64
#assert that we dont have None entries in dog_category column
assert None not in archives_clean['dog_category']
#confirm that deleted columns no longer exist
for col in ['doggo', 'floofer', 'pupper', 'puppo']:
assert col not in list(archives_clean.columns)
Cleaning issue #No.2 Infomation about a single type of observational spread over three different tables¶
- Merge all three dataframes into a single table
#Left join the archives_clean on predictions_clean on tweet_id column
twitter_archive_master = archives_clean.merge(predictions_clean, on='tweet_id', how='left' )
#Left Join twitter_archive_master table with additional_clean on tweet_id column
twitter_archive_master = twitter_archive_master.merge(additional_clean, on='tweet_id', how='left' )
Confirm that all predictions_clean columns are present in the twitter_archive_master dataframe
for col in list(predictions_clean.columns):
assert col in list(twitter_archive_master.columns)
Confirm that all additional_clean columns are present in the twitter_archive_master dataframe
for col in list(additional_clean.columns):
assert col in list(twitter_archive_master.columns)
Confirm that all archives_clean columns are present in the twitter_archive_master dataframe
for col in list(archives_clean.columns):
assert col in list(twitter_archive_master.columns)
Storing Data¶
Save gathered, assessed, and cleaned master dataset to a CSV file named "twitter_archive_master.csv".
twitter_archive_master.to_csv('twitter_archive_master.csv', index=False)
Analyzing and Visualizing Data¶
Questions to investigate¶
- Which day of the week that most of the tweets were sent out?
- How do tweets that were sent out in the morning compare to tweets sent out in the afternoon?
- what is the most common dog name in the dataset?
#Summary stats of the combined dataframe
rating_numerator | rating_denominator | img_num | p1_conf | p2_conf | p3_conf | retweet_count | favorite_count | followers_count | |
count | 2175.000000 | 2173.000000 | 1994.000000 | 1994.000000 | 1.994000e+03 | 1.994000e+03 | 1085.000000 | 1085.000000 | 1.085000e+03 |
mean | 13.215172 | 10.481362 | 1.203109 | 0.593941 | 1.344195e-01 | 6.024848e-02 | 2725.217512 | 8571.143779 | 3.200945e+06 |
std | 47.725696 | 6.963880 | 0.560777 | 0.271954 | 1.006807e-01 | 5.089067e-02 | 4843.139916 | 11774.371354 | 4.398728e+01 |
min | 0.000000 | 10.000000 | 1.000000 | 0.044333 | 1.011300e-08 | 1.740170e-10 | 2.000000 | 52.000000 | 3.200851e+06 |
25% | 10.000000 | 10.000000 | 1.000000 | 0.362857 | 5.393987e-02 | 1.619283e-02 | 592.000000 | 1855.000000 | 3.200901e+06 |
50% | 11.000000 | 10.000000 | 1.000000 | 0.587635 | 1.174550e-01 | 4.950530e-02 | 1344.000000 | 4078.000000 | 3.200947e+06 |
75% | 12.000000 | 10.000000 | 1.000000 | 0.846285 | 1.951377e-01 | 9.159438e-02 | 3225.000000 | 11065.000000 | 3.201001e+06 |
max | 1776.000000 | 170.000000 | 4.000000 | 1.000000 | 4.880140e-01 | 2.734190e-01 | 79515.000000 | 131075.000000 | 3.201018e+06 |
Research Question 1. Which day of the week that most of the tweets were sent out?¶
We'll retrieve the day of the week from the timestamp column and use it to create a new column
# convert timestamp column to day of week name using the day_name method
twitter_archive_master['dayofweek'] = twitter_archive_master['timestamp'].dt.day_name()
#change the datatype of column to categorical
0 Tuesday 1 Tuesday 2 Monday 3 Sunday 4 Saturday 5 Saturday 6 Friday 7 Friday 8 Thursday 9 Wednesday 10 Wednesday 11 Tuesday 12 Tuesday 13 Tuesday 14 Monday 15 Monday 16 Sunday 17 Saturday 18 Saturday 19 Thursday 20 Wednesday Name: dayofweek, dtype: category Categories (7, object): ['Friday', 'Monday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday', 'Thursday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday']
#list of unique weekday names
days = twitter_archive_master['dayofweek'].unique()
#retrieve weekday counts
counts = twitter_archive_master['dayofweek'].value_counts()
Monday 357 Tuesday 326 Wednesday 322 Friday 305 Thursday 305 Saturday 284 Sunday 276 Name: dayofweek, dtype: int64
#display the highest count:
plt.figure(figsize = (11,8))
ordered_days = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
daybar = sns.countplot(x=twitter_archive_master['dayofweek'], order=ordered_days)
for bar in daybar.containers:
daybar.set(title='Number of tweets per day',
ylabel='Count of Tweets',
xlabel='Day of the week');
Insight 1:¶
Most tweets were sent out on a Monday
Research Question 2. How do tweets that were sent out in the morning compare to tweets sent out in the afternoon?¶
#group timestamp column into 'Morning' and 'Afternoon'
time_diff = twitter_archive_master['favorite_count' ].groupby(twitter_archive_master['timestamp'].dt.hour <=12).sum().rename(
{True: 'Morning', False: 'Afternoon'})
#Plot bar chart to visualize the time_diff findings
plt.figure(figsize = (7,8))
time_diff_bar='Time of the day',
color=['#AE2AEC', '#17B2F6'],
ylabel='Total Favourite Counts',
title = 'Comparison of favourite Counts per time of Day',
timestamp Afternoon 5072153.0 Morning 4227538.0 Name: favorite_count, dtype: float64
'Tweets sent out in the morning received a total of {:.0f} likes whereas those sent in the afternoon had a total of {:.0f}'.format(time_diff['Morning'], time_diff['Afternoon'])
'Tweets sent out in the morning received a total of 4227538 likes whereas those sent in the afternoon had a total of 5072153'
Insight 2.¶
Tweets sent out between 12:01PM and 11:59PM were favorited more than tweets sent out in the morning.
Research Question 3. what is the most common dog name in the dataset?¶
#Count the occurrence of each name in the dataset
No_Name 680 incorrect_name 104 Lucy 11 Charlie 11 Oliver 10 Cooper 10 Tucker 9 Penny 9 Lola 8 Sadie 8 Winston 8 Toby 7 Name: name, dtype: int64
#Total count of values in the name column
named = twitter_archive_master['name'].count()
#Number of unnamed dogs
unnamed = twitter_archive_master['name'].value_counts()['No_Name'] + twitter_archive_master['name'].value_counts()['incorrect_name']
'Unnamed dogs represented {:.2f}% of the total count, which was the highest portion of the sample'.format((unnamed/named) *100)
'Unnamed dogs represented 36.05% of the total count, which was the highest portion of the sample'
Insight 3:¶
The series object returned by the value_counts method indicates that the two items with the highest
were the unnamed dogs under the no_name
and incorrect_name
categories. The
common names after this category were Charlie
and Lucy
which both had a count