This dataset contains details on medical appointments, characteristics of patients and whether they showed up for their appointments. It contains 110,527 rows of appointments and 14 columns explained below:
Data Dictionary¶
Column Name | Data Type | Brief Description of the data
- PatientID (int) - Unique identifier for each patient
- AppointmentID (int) - Unique identifier for each appointment
- Gender (str) - Gender of the patient
- ScheduledDay (date)- The date a patient booked the appointment
- ScheduledDayTime (dtime)- The time a patient booked the appointment
- AppointmentDay (date) - The date a patient is supposed to see a doctor
- Age (int)- The age of the patient
- Neighborhood (str) - Location/area near the hospital
- Scholarship (boolean) - indicates whether patient is enrolled in govt welfare social program
- Hypertension (boolean) - indicates whther patient has high blood pressure
- Diabetes (boolean) -indicates whether patient is diabetic or not
- Alcoholism (boolean) - Indicates whether patient is alcoholic or not
- SMS_received (boolean) - indicates whether patient was notified of upcoming appointment
No_show (str) - indicates whether patient showed up to appointment
NB: The dataset uses 0 and 1 to represent False and True respectively
Questions to investigate¶
The goal of this project is to determine how the various characteristics of a patient may help determine whether they will show up to their medical appointment by examining the following questions:
- what is the gender distribution of the patients?
- What is the gender distribution of patients who showed up to their appointments?
- Do patients with pre-existing medical conditions (hypertension) adhere to their appointments?
- What are the average ages for patients based on their gender for the no-show categories?
- Do medical appointment attendance rates improve as patients grow older?
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
%autosave 30
Autosaving every 30 seconds
#Load dataset from the CSV file.
df = pd.read_csv('noshowappointments-kagglev2-may-2016.csv')
Let's get the general outlook of the dataframe¶
PatientId | AppointmentID | Gender | ScheduledDay | AppointmentDay | Age | Neighbourhood | Scholarship | Hipertension | Diabetes | Alcoholism | Handcap | SMS_received | No-show | |
0 | 2.987250e+13 | 5642903 | F | 2016-04-29T18:38:08Z | 2016-04-29T00:00:00Z | 62 | JARDIM DA PENHA | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | No |
1 | 5.589978e+14 | 5642503 | M | 2016-04-29T16:08:27Z | 2016-04-29T00:00:00Z | 56 | JARDIM DA PENHA | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | No |
No. of rows and columns in the dataframe¶
'Rows: {}'.format(df.shape[0]), 'Columns: {}'.format(df.shape[1])
('Rows: 110527', 'Columns: 14')
#DataFrame DataTypes
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 110527 entries, 0 to 110526 Data columns (total 14 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 PatientId 110527 non-null float64 1 AppointmentID 110527 non-null int64 2 Gender 110527 non-null object 3 ScheduledDay 110527 non-null object 4 AppointmentDay 110527 non-null object 5 Age 110527 non-null int64 6 Neighbourhood 110527 non-null object 7 Scholarship 110527 non-null int64 8 Hipertension 110527 non-null int64 9 Diabetes 110527 non-null int64 10 Alcoholism 110527 non-null int64 11 Handcap 110527 non-null int64 12 SMS_received 110527 non-null int64 13 No-show 110527 non-null object dtypes: float64(1), int64(8), object(5) memory usage: 11.8+ MB
Checking for any duplicated entries in the rows¶
'Number of dupicated rows in the dataset is: {}'.format(sum(df.duplicated()))
'Number of dupicated rows in the dataset is: 0'
We check for and Drop any rows with NULL/NaN entries¶
# Check for null values in every column
PatientId 0 AppointmentID 0 Gender 0 ScheduledDay 0 AppointmentDay 0 Age 0 Neighbourhood 0 Scholarship 0 Hipertension 0 Diabetes 0 Alcoholism 0 Handcap 0 SMS_received 0 No-show 0 dtype: int64
We can see that there are NO NULL entries in the various colmns in the dataset
Printing the dataset for visual inspection¶
PatientId | AppointmentID | Gender | ScheduledDay | AppointmentDay | Age | Neighbourhood | Scholarship | Hipertension | Diabetes | Alcoholism | Handcap | SMS_received | No-show | |
0 | 2.987250e+13 | 5642903 | F | 2016-04-29T18:38:08Z | 2016-04-29T00:00:00Z | 62 | JARDIM DA PENHA | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | No |
1 | 5.589978e+14 | 5642503 | M | 2016-04-29T16:08:27Z | 2016-04-29T00:00:00Z | 56 | JARDIM DA PENHA | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | No |
Inspect column data types¶
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 110527 entries, 0 to 110526 Data columns (total 14 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 PatientId 110527 non-null float64 1 AppointmentID 110527 non-null int64 2 Gender 110527 non-null object 3 ScheduledDay 110527 non-null object 4 AppointmentDay 110527 non-null object 5 Age 110527 non-null int64 6 Neighbourhood 110527 non-null object 7 Scholarship 110527 non-null int64 8 Hipertension 110527 non-null int64 9 Diabetes 110527 non-null int64 10 Alcoholism 110527 non-null int64 11 Handcap 110527 non-null int64 12 SMS_received 110527 non-null int64 13 No-show 110527 non-null object dtypes: float64(1), int64(8), object(5) memory usage: 11.8+ MB
Data Cleaning¶
Issues with the Data¶
1. Column names¶
1. Hipertension: Column name is misspelled as hipertension instead of hypertension
2. No-show: column name has a hyphen separating the two words
3. PatientId: Rename to PatientID to mantain uniformity with other columns with the word ID in them.
2. Data Types¶
1. PatientID: Convert DataType from float(represented as a scientific num) to a String object
2. ScheduledDay: Clean and Convert DataType From String obj to datetime (Extract dates) and Extract TimeStamps <br> into a separate column (ScheduledDayTime).
3. AppointmentDay: Clean and Convert DataType From String obj to datetime (Extract dates)
1. Data Cleaning - Column Names¶
a. Renaming the PatientId column¶
df.rename(columns = {'PatientId': 'PatientID'}, inplace=True)
#Confirm changes
b. Rename the Hipertension column¶
df.rename(columns = {'Hipertension': 'Hypertension'}, inplace=True)
Confirming that the changes we made have taken effect
'Hypertension' in df.columns
c) Rename the No-show column¶
df.rename(columns={'No-show':'No_show'}, inplace=True)
#confirm the changes
'No_show' in df.columns
d) Confirm that column headers are clean¶
PatientID | AppointmentID | Gender | ScheduledDay | AppointmentDay | Age | Neighbourhood | Scholarship | Hypertension | Diabetes | Alcoholism | Handcap | SMS_received | No_show | |
0 | 2.987250e+13 | 5642903 | F | 2016-04-29T18:38:08Z | 2016-04-29T00:00:00Z | 62 | JARDIM DA PENHA | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | No |
2. Data Cleaning - Converting data to correct data types¶
a. Converting PatientID column from float to str¶
This will be useful incase we want to identify a patient's details. It is easier to identify PatientID 29872499824296 than it is in its current form 2.987250e+13
# Column Details
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> RangeIndex: 110527 entries, 0 to 110526 Series name: PatientID Non-Null Count Dtype -------------- ----- 110527 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(1) memory usage: 863.6 KB
#Convert the column into a String using a simple Lambda Function
df['PatientID'] = df['PatientID'].apply(lambda x: str(x).split('.')[0])
We had to use the Split method because the result of the function str(x) is a string separated by a decimal i.e "29872499824296.0" We split the string returned by the function into two parts and then used indexing to pick the zero indexed part of the list.
Confirming PatientID's new data Type¶
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> RangeIndex: 110527 entries, 0 to 110526 Series name: PatientID Non-Null Count Dtype -------------- ----- 110527 non-null object dtypes: object(1) memory usage: 863.6+ KB
Let's have a look at how the PatientID entries are represented in the dataFrame.
0 29872499824296 1 558997776694438 2 4262962299951 3 867951213174 4 8841186448183 Name: PatientID, dtype: object
b. Extracting Time from ScheduledDay string and creating a new column (ScheduledDayTime) to insert the new values¶
# 1. Split the scheduledDay string using T
# 2. USe slicing to obtain the 2nd section of the resulting list
# 3. Use slicing to pick all the indexes but exclude the last indexed item
df['ScheduledDayTime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['ScheduledDay'].str.split('T').str[1].str[:-1],format='%H:%M:%S').dt.time
#Confirm creation of new column
'ScheduledDayTime' in df.columns
c. Extracting Date from ScheduledDay Column¶
df['ScheduledDay'] = pd.to_datetime(df['ScheduledDay'].str.split('T').str[0],format='%Y/%m/%d')
0 2016-04-29 1 2016-04-29 2 2016-04-29 3 2016-04-29 4 2016-04-29 ... 110522 2016-05-03 110523 2016-05-03 110524 2016-04-27 110525 2016-04-27 110526 2016-04-27 Name: ScheduledDay, Length: 110527, dtype: datetime64[ns]
d. Extracting Time from AppointmentDay string to a new column AppointmentDayTime¶
df['AppointmentDayTime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['AppointmentDay'].str.split('T').str[1].str[:-1],format='%H:%M:%S').dt.time
Let's check for the counts of unique values in AppointmentDayTime
00:00:00 110527 Name: AppointmentDayTime, dtype: int64
As we can see [00:00:00] is the only unique timestamp value in our new column, which means that it will be of no use in our analysis.
#USE DROP method to delete the column from dataframe
df.drop(columns='AppointmentDayTime', inplace=True)
e. Extracting Date from AppointmentDate¶
df['AppointmentDay'] = pd.to_datetime(df['AppointmentDay'].str.split('T').str[0],format='%Y/%m/%d')
0 2016-04-29 1 2016-04-29 2 2016-04-29 3 2016-04-29 4 2016-04-29 ... 110522 2016-06-07 110523 2016-06-07 110524 2016-06-07 110525 2016-06-07 110526 2016-06-07 Name: AppointmentDay, Length: 110527, dtype: datetime64[ns]
Let's visualize our dataframe and confirm that it is clean and ready for analysis¶
PatientID | AppointmentID | Gender | ScheduledDay | AppointmentDay | Age | Neighbourhood | Scholarship | Hypertension | Diabetes | Alcoholism | Handcap | SMS_received | No_show | ScheduledDayTime | |
0 | 29872499824296 | 5642903 | F | 2016-04-29 | 2016-04-29 | 62 | JARDIM DA PENHA | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | No | 18:38:08 |
1 | 558997776694438 | 5642503 | M | 2016-04-29 | 2016-04-29 | 56 | JARDIM DA PENHA | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | No | 16:08:27 |
Recheck for any duplicated entries that we may have introduced in the data wrangling stage
Since everything looks in order, we will export and preserve our clean dataframe into a CSV file named clean_noshowappointments_2016.csv
df.to_csv('clean_noshowappointments_2016.csv', index=False)
df_16 = pd.read_csv('clean_noshowappointments_2016.csv')
Research Question 1. what is the gender distribution of the patients?¶
Let's get the count of individual patients from the data frame by counting the number of unique items in the PatientID column
No. of Patients
patients = df_16['PatientID'].nunique()
No. of Female Patients
female = df_16[df_16['Gender'] == 'F']['PatientID'].nunique()
No. of Male Patients
male = df_16[df_16['Gender'] == 'M']['PatientID'].nunique()
'The patient counts are as follows; Total: {}, Female: {}, Male: {}'.format(patients,female, male)
'The patient counts are as follows; Total: 62299, Female: 40046, Male: 22253'
we will confirm that the calculated values are correct by comparing whether the sum of female and male patients is equal to the total count of unique patients
male + female == patients
Gender Percentage
'Female: {}%, Male: {}%'.format(round((female/patients)*100), round((male/patients)*100))
'Female: 64%, Male: 36%'
We are going to use a bar chart to visualize the comparison between the Female and Male gender
#use groupby to specificy column to group on
#Select the PatientID column
#count unique values using the nunique method
#use plot method to specify type of chart
df_16.groupby('Gender')['PatientID'].nunique()'Gender',color=['brown','green'],rot=1,alpha=0.9,ylabel='Distinct Count',width=0.8, figsize=(5,7) );
As we can see from the bar graph, the number of Female patients (40,046) is higher than that of male patients (22,253)
Research Question 2. What is the gender distribution of patients who showed up to their appointments?¶
In order to get the number of patients who attended their appointments, we are going to filter the data Frame to pick rows where the value for the 'No_show' column is No, then, we count the number of patients in the dataset according to their gender.
#filter data frame where column-NO-_show is No
#group the resulting data frame using gender
#select the [PatientID] column
#count the number of unique IDs
attended_appointment = df_16[df_16['No_show']=='No'].groupby('Gender')['PatientID'].nunique()
Gender F 34961 M 19193 Name: PatientID, dtype: int64
Let's visualize this data in a bar chart.
attended_appointment.plot(kind='bar',color=['brown','green'],alpha=0.9, width=0.8,title='Gender',figsize=(5,7), ylabel='No. of patients',rot=1 );
'The number of women({}) who attended their appointments is higher than that of men ({})'.format(attended_appointment.F, attended_appointment.M)
'The number of women(34961) who attended their appointments is higher than that of men (19193)'
Research Question 3. Do patients with pre-existing medical conditions (hypertension) adhere to their appointments compared to other patients?¶
PatientID | AppointmentID | Gender | ScheduledDay | AppointmentDay | Age | Neighbourhood | Scholarship | Hypertension | Diabetes | Alcoholism | Handcap | SMS_received | No_show | ScheduledDayTime | |
0 | 29872499824296 | 5642903 | F | 2016-04-29 | 2016-04-29 | 62 | JARDIM DA PENHA | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | No | 18:38:08 |
In order to determine the appointment attendance distribution of people with hypertension, we will group the df_16 dataframe, first,by whether the patient has hypertension then appointment attendance status.
hyper_status = df_16.groupby(['Hypertension', 'No_show'])['AppointmentID'].count()
Hypertension No_show 0 No 70179 Yes 18547 1 No 18029 Yes 3772 Name: AppointmentID, dtype: int64
NB: In the Hypertension column , 0 represents False meaning Patient has no hypertension, 1 represents True meaning Patient tested positive for hypertension
No. of patients with NO hypertension who ATTENDED their appointments can be retrived from the series object as shown below
#to access values from series obeject we will select 0 for the hypertension column and NO for the No_show column
no_hyper_attended_app = df_16.groupby(['Hypertension', 'No_show'])['AppointmentID'].count()[0]['No']
No. of patients with no hypertension who SKIPPED their appointments
to access values for NO Hypertension Patients who Skipped appointment from series obeject
we will select 0 for the hypertension column and YES for the No_show column
no_hyper_skipped_app = df_16.groupby(['Hypertension', 'No_show'])['AppointmentID'].count()[0]['Yes']
Now that we have the attendance numbers for patients with NO hypertension, we can proceed to Calculating their attendance rate. (attended/total*100)
#Patients without hypertension Appointment attendance rate
no_hyper_rate = round((no_hyper_attended_app / (no_hyper_attended_app + no_hyper_skipped_app)) *100)
"Patients without Hypertension have a {}% appointment attendance rate".format(no_hyper_rate)
'Patients without Hypertension have a 79% appointment attendance rate'
Let's examine attendance rate for Hypertension patients
No of patients with hypertension attended their appointments
to access values for patients wwith Hypertension who attended appointment from series object
we will select 1 for the hypertension column and NO for the No_show column
hyper_attended_app = df_16.groupby(['Hypertension', 'No_show'])['AppointmentID'].count()[1]['No']
to access values for patients wwith Hypertension who SKIPPED appointment from series object
we will select 1 for the hypertension column and YES for the No_show column
hyper_skipped_app = df_16.groupby(['Hypertension', 'No_show'])['AppointmentID'].count()[1]['Yes']
To calculate the hypertension patients attendance rate we will simply divide the number of hypertension who showed up to their appointment by the total number of hypertension patients
hyper_rate = round(hyper_attended_app/(hyper_skipped_app+hyper_attended_app)*100)
"Patients WITH Hypertension have a {}% appointment attendance rate".format(hyper_rate)
'Patients WITH Hypertension have a 83% appointment attendance rate'
Patients with Hypertension have a higher appointment attendance rate of 83% when compared to patients without hypertension whose appointment attendance rate stands at 79%
Research Question 4. What are the average ages for patients based on their gender for the two no-show categories?¶
In order to get the average ages of gender based on their appointment attendance, we are going to group the dataframe, first, by gender so that we can have men and women in separate buckets. Then we are going to group the two gender buckets into two categories i.e attended appointment and skipped appointment. The when we pick the age column from the dataframe and calculate the mean as shown below:
df_avg_age = df_16.groupby(['Gender', 'No_show'])['Age'].mean()
This grouped barchart below will help to visualize the results:
plt.figure(figsize = (8,8))
chartbar = sns.barplot(data=df_16, x='Gender',palette=['brown', 'green'],hue='No_show', y='Age')
chartbar.set(title = 'Average age per Gender per No_show Category')
# function will add data labels to the visual
for bar in chartbar.containers:
The average age of Female patients who attended their appointments is 39.5yrs while the average age for
Female patients who skipped their appointments is 36yrs.
The average age of Male patients who attended their appointments is 34yrs while the average age for male
patients who skipped their appointments is 30yrs.
Research Question 5. Do medical appointment attendance rates improve as patients grow older?¶
#flter data frame to pick appointment attendees only
#Select the Age column only from the dataFrame
#use describe method to return descrption of the values
count 88208.000000 mean 37.790064 std 23.338878 min -1.000000 25% 18.000000 50% 38.000000 75% 56.000000 max 115.000000 Name: Age, dtype: float64
When we examine the results of the previous operation we can see that we have a negative value for the min
value. This is a probably a data entry error because age of people are generally more than 0.
Let's proceed with deleting the row with the negative entry
df_16.drop(df_16.index[df_16['Age'] < 0],inplace=True)
we confirm the deletion of the negative value by filtering the dataframe to pick rows where age is less than 0
df_16[df_16['Age'] < 0]
PatientID | AppointmentID | Gender | ScheduledDay | AppointmentDay | Age | Neighbourhood | Scholarship | Hypertension | Diabetes | Alcoholism | Handcap | SMS_received | No_show | ScheduledDayTime |
the filter operation did not return any rows, so we are clear to proceed
#RE-RUN describe to get new age percentiles for attendees
count 88207.000000 mean 37.790504 std 23.338645 min 0.000000 25% 18.000000 50% 38.000000 75% 56.000000 max 115.000000 Name: Age, dtype: float64
We are going to use the data descrptions retrieved above to create bins that will be used to categorize the age column.
#create a list of the various descriptions
bins = [df_16[df_16['No_show']=='No']['Age'].describe()['min'],df_16[df_16['No_show']=='No']['Age'].describe()['25%'],df_16[df_16['No_show']=='No']['Age'].describe()['50%'],df_16[df_16['No_show']=='No']['Age'].describe()['75%'],df_16[df_16['No_show']=='No']['Age'].describe()['max']]
Name the bins accordingly
#create a list to hold the names
bin_names = ['young', 'middle_aged', 'old', 'very_old']
Then add a new column called "age_groups" to the dataframe. It will contain the various age_groups
#add a new column age_groups to the df_16
df_16['age_groups'] = pd.cut(df_16['Age'], bins, labels=bin_names)
Confirm the creation of the new column in the data Frame
#.columns method returns the column headers/labels of the dataframe
'age_groups' in df_16.columns
Let's find the number of patients in each age_group who attended their appointments
age_group_counts = df_16[df_16['No_show']=='No'].groupby('age_groups')['AppointmentID'].count()
age_groups young 19619 middle_aged 22145 old 21714 very_old 21829 Name: AppointmentID, dtype: int64
Plot the age_group values
# Find the appointment count for each age_group'age_groups', color=['green', 'brown', 'blue','red'],figsize=(8,6),title='No of patients per age-group',width=0.99, alpha=0.85,ylabel='Count of Patients', rot=45);
As we can see from the bar chart, medical appointment attendance rates do not improve as patients grow older. The cohort with the highest attendance rate is the middle_aged (22,145) , followed by the very_old (21829), then the old (21,714) and lastly the youngest cohort (19,619).
- The presence of outliers in the dataset for instance in the age column may distort some statistical methods such as mean or skew the distribution thereby causing bias. In the age column, we had a (-1)negative entry and several figures that are more than 100.
- The dataset contains a limited set of metrics that would not be sufficient to conclusively determine health-care utilization/medical appointment attendance. There are several economic, social and environmental factors that influence the consumption of healthcare such as quality of service delivery, availability of cheaper alternate sources of healthcare,prevalance of traditional myths, severity of the ailment, distance to healthcare centers, medical sensitization and disability among many others ("Factors that affect health-care utilization - health-care utilization as a proxy in disability determination - NCBI bookshelf," 2018 p.2).
We found that Gender distribution of the appointments stood as follows; Female:64% , Male:35%. These percentages represent the percentage distribution of the genders indicated on the appointments. It is important to note that it doesnt take into account the fact that a single patient may have requested more than one appointment in the period covered by the dataset.
On examining the Gender of distinct patients who showed up to atleast once to their appointments the figures indicated that figures mirrored the gender distribution percentages in the overall dataset. 64% of patients who turned up for their appointments were female while 35% of the Show-ups were male.
Patients with Hypertension have a higher appointment attendance rate of 83% when compared to patients without hypertension whose appointment attendance rate stands at 79%
The average age of Female patients who showed up is 36yrs and 39years for those who chose to ignore their checkup.On the other hand, the average age of men who showed up for appointment was 30years while the avergare was 34years for men who skipped their appoinments.
Medical appointment attendance rates do not improve as patients grow older. The attendance rates peak at the second cohort of patients that lies between 18-38yrs and then proceeds to slump in the following cohorts.The cohort with the oldest patients of ages between 56-115yrs has the appointment attendance count.
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